Chapter 13

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          That night, my mother and I watched the recap of the eighth day. Gale and Rory stayed home with Hazelle. We had gone back in the afternoon to check on her, and she seemed to be doing a bit better. Her fever had gone down a few degrees since Mom gave her the medicine. I still worried about her, though. 

           Katniss was still going strong. The number of tributes keeps going down with each passing day. After the recap, my mom went to bed because we had already eaten dinner. 

           "Good night, Prim," she said. 

            "Night, Mom." I wasn't quite tired yet, so I decided to go outside and enjoy the night air. I went out the back door of the house and went and sat in the grass. The night was cool and quiet. Almost everyone had gone inside already. I breathed in the fresh air and saw the full moon peeking out behind some wispy clouds. I ran my fingers through the grass. I heard Lady bleat from her pen. An owl hooted in the distance. I looked up at the stars and counted as many as I could. I lost count before long. "Oh, Katniss," I said, even though she obviously couldn't hear me. "You know I'm rooting for you, right? I believe with every inch of my being that you can win this thing. Don't ever give up or lose hope. And I'm not the only one rooting for you. Mom and Gale and Rory are, too. And Hazelle. She's got a fever, but we're taking care of her. Don't worry. Just focus on the Games, alright? We're doing just fine. Just focus." I suddenly felt strange talking to myself, and worried that someone had heard me. 

             It was getting colder, so I decided to go inside to bed. I stood up from my spot in the grass, and went back inside. I changed into my night clothes, and slipped inside my bed. I longed for Katniss to be there too, to keep me warm. I shivered without her warmth next to me like it usually was. I pulled the covers up to my chin and closed my eyes. Buttercup hopped up next to me. He slinked over to my side and lay down next to me, providing a little more warmth. He purred in satisfaction as I stroked his back. 

             "Good kitty," I whispered to him. He purred a little louder. Soon, I drifted off to sleep. 

              That night, I had a dream that I was in the arena with Katniss and she had blood in her mouth, and her eyes were black. She looked like a psycho. She had her bow loaded and pointed directly at me. She was coming slowly after me as I backed away from her. Just as she was letting the arrow loose at me, I woke up screaming. 

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