Chapter 7

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          After we watch the replay of the interviews, my mom and I finish our breakfast, and we do the dishes together. She washes and I dry. We don't say anything, and that's okay. I think about the interviews and about how stunning Katniss looked. I think about the other tributes. Some of them seemed really big and strong, especially the Career tributes. I start to worry some more for my sister, but I know that she's really smart and fast. She's good at hunting, too. If she can think of the other tributes as animals, she will have a pretty good chance of winning. 

          Once we are done with the dishes, I go outside. The rain has stopped for now. I don't sit down, because the grass is still wet, but I stand there and just breathe. 

           I go back inside once I've gotten some fresh air and find my mom sitting on her bed. She's weeping softly, her head in her hands. 

            "Mom?" I go over to her and put my hand on her shoulder. She immediately stops crying and wipes her eyes. 

             "Sorry," she says as she blows her nose. "I was just thinking about everything." 

              "I know. Me too." I sit next to her on the bed. I put my head on her shoulder, and wrap my arms around her waist. "It's going to be okay," I assure her. "Katniss is really smart. She can outsmart the rest of the tributes." 

               "How do you know?" asks my forlorn mother. 

                "I know my sister. She's good at hunting and she's really fast. She's got a good chance of winning, Mom." She nods as she strokes my hair. 

                 "Yes. She is a really good hunter." For a while after that, we just stayed that way, her stroking my head, my arms around her. I never wanted to let her go. 

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