Chapter 3

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         No no no no. 

         It can't be right. 


         I must've heard wrong. 


         I felt like I was going to faint. 


         I slowly start to walk toward the front of the square to the stage.  


        I hear a few gasps and murmurs among the crowd as I continue forward. 


         "PRIM!" I hear my sister scream my name. At least I think it was her. I could barely hear anything. My heart was pounding inside my ears. "PRIM!"


          I turn around and see that Katniss is in the middle of the aisle. 

         "I volunteer! I volunteer as tribute!" 

         "NO!" I scream. She rushes up to me. 

         "Prim! It's okay," she says as she grabs my shoulders. 

         "No!" I yell again. She pushes me behind her. "No!" 

         "Excellent!" says Effie. "Our first volunteer in a very long time!" I reach out to grab my sister's arm, but someone lifts me up in their arms. It was Gale. I scream and thrash in his arms. 

          "Katniss!" I scream. 

          "It's okay, Prim," she says, again. She continues the rest of the way up to the stage. 

          "Welcome!" says Effie. "And what is your name, dear?" Gale takes me to where my mother stands in the crowd. 

           "Katniss Everdeen," I hear my sister croak. 

           "I bet that was your sister," says Effie. 

           "Yes she is."

            Gale sets me down next to my mom. I hug her. I am weeping by this time. I bury my face in her dress. 

             "Let's all give a big round of applause for Katniss Everdeen!" suggests Effie. Nobody claps. I look up and I could see that someone had their hand in the air, with three fingers up. That is a rarely used gesture here in District 12. It means honor and respect. It means goodbye. I bury my face in my mom's dress again. I am now sobbing. 

             "Katniss," I whisper to myself. "No." Haymitch was now staggering onto the stage. 

             "Woo!" he cheers. He is very drunk indeed. "I like this one!" Katniss looks very uncomfortable next to him. She takes a tiny step away from him. He walks around the stage a little, looking very confused. He doesn't notice the edge and falls right off. He was then taken away, probably to the hospital, and all eyes were then trained back to the stage. 

             "Alright!" says Effie. "What an exciting day! But there's more excitement to come!" She saunters over to the opposite side of the stage. She reaches into the glass ball containing all the boys' names. She grabs the first paper that her hand touches, and returns to her place at the podium. "Peeta Mellark!" she reads in a loud voice. I recognize that name. The baker's son, I think. 

              A very shocked Peeta makes his way up the stairs to the stage. Nobody volunteers for him. I guess you could call me lucky. He takes his place next to Katniss and Effie in the center of the platform. When he is settled, the mayor reads the Treaty of Treason, like he does every year. It takes a long time until he finally finishes. He asks for Peeta and Katniss to shake hands. They do, and the anthem of Panem plays loudly for all to hear. 

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