Chapter 18

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It was the very last day of the Hunger Games. The day had finally come. I woke up with my nerves buzzing. The anxiety I felt was like nothing I had ever experienced.
I got out of bed and went to the living room to find my mother pacing back and forth.
"Good morning, Primrose," she said as she continued her pacing.
"Good morning, Mama," I replied as I went to the kitchen. I hated seeing my mom anxious. If I could take all of her anxiety and put it on myself, I would do it in a heartbeat.
Just then, there was a knock on the front door. My stomach dropped even more, if that was possible. My mom practically ran to open it. From where I stood, I could not see who was on the other side, but I would recognize that voice anywhere. Gale's tall form stepped through the doorway as my mom let him in. My heart rate slowed a bit at the sight of him.
"I thought I would come check on you today," he said with a soft smile.
"Thank you," I replied softly. He came in and sat down at the couch. I found my place next to him on the ragged cushion.
"So...." he started.
"So...." I replied. There wasn't really anything to say after that and we sat in silence together for a while. Mama went to the kitchen to start lunch while Gale and I sat silently on the beat up sofa.
After a while, Mama brought out two plates of roasted vegetables for us.
"Thank you," Gale said gratefully.
"Anytime", she replied. "You being here is such a blessing to us both, Gale." Gale smiled shyly. We ate our vegetables and I brought out some goat milk for us to share.
We ate our lunch and eventually Gale had to go. Mom gave him some extra vegetables to take home with him to his family. As soon as the door shut behind him, my anxiety shot right back up. I felt sick. I didn't know what else to do, so I went outside to Lady's pen. I sat down with her and stroked her scruffy chin. She bleated softly to me.
"I can always count on you to calm my nerves, girl," I said to her. She sniffed at my face and bleated again. I sat there with her for almost an hour when Mama called me inside.
     "The recap is about to air, Prim," she said, the urgency strong in her voice. I practically ran to the door and sat down on the couch next to her. She turned on the tv and we waited for it to start. There was only static at first, but the show promptly began. A man named Caesar who lived in the Capital was the host. He said a few words in his enthusiastic voice and showed some footage of the Games. There were only a few people left, Katniss and Peeta included.
       There was something unusual about this day; I could tell. There was footage showing the last of the children being killed and only Katniss and Peeta remained. They had seemed to grow to love each other, I realized. Their eyes shown with grief as they realized they were the only ones left. The camera switched angles as I realized what they were about to do. They both had poisonous berries in their hands. They lifted them up to their mouths.
      "No!" I shouted at the tv as if she could hear me. I jumped up from the couch, my hands over my mouth.
        They were both about to put the berries inside their mouths when a voice rang out from the arena.
      "Stop! Ladies and gentlemen, the winners from District 12: Peeta and Katniss!"

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