8th thoughts

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#8th Entry

8 T h i n g s  I  H a t e  a b o u t  Y O U--

, I live beyond this world,
Never trusted anybody's word.
I live through books and fictional dimensions,
But your presence created a lot of distractions.

I HATE YOU, I hated you
The way your eyes sparkle infront of the things you like;
I hate the way your hair curls instead of spikes.
I hate the way you view things so simple and funny,
Hate the way your eyes looks like when your sleepy.
The way your voice startle my every senses;
I hate the way you mess around in your sentences.
The way you laugh mischiveously,
Like you can't be serious on a thing or any.

I hated all of them, despise all of you,
You made me so drawn to you.
I'm aware of your flaws but I like those;
But I hate the way you entered my life so easy w/o any cost.

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