What Now?

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The next day. 

Ayato stayed in his room quietly. Looking out the window having flashbacks of Laito and that girl he's with. "That bitch." He lets out a soft growl. 

Ayato P.O.V

Is he tired of me? Was I one of his playthings? Did he ever love me back? Those questions flood my mind as I get lost in thought. "Urgh, That dumbass." I'm so frustrated that I just want to jump off a building. Okay, I think I'm exaggerating there but I don't want to feel this way.

I let out a sigh as I hear my name being called on the other side of the door with a knock. "Ayato, may I come in?" That's Yui's voice. "What do you want, Pancake?" I reply as I face the door. "I just want to talk." for some reason, her voice sounds different. Does she have a sore or something? I walk towards the door thinking if I should or shouldn't let her in. Eh whatever, I turn the handle of my door and open it.

 As the door opens I start to see Yui but realized she wasn't alone. Laito is standing behind her clutching her throat "Ayato-Kun." Yui says my name before passing out. "Now let's talk." A smile appears on Laito's face "That's not gonna happen." I quickly shut my door but he suddenly stops the door from closing. "Ayato-Kun, Please I just wanna talk."

"There is nothing to talk about with you." I push him out but he won't budge. "You know, you're acting like a cute girl." Now that I think about it, I am. I can't even deny that. Clenching my fists as I look him in the eyes "Speak before I change my mind." 

Laito hung his head low "You remember that time when I had a relationship with that woman?" eh? what does that have to do with us? "Yeah, What about her?" I fold my arms and listen. "The truth is when she died, It was hard for me to move on." "Obviously." I interrupted. "Well, Your eyes they remind me of her not just that but your personality as well." Is he comparing me to her? I am nothing like her. "Don't compare me to that BITCH!" I said angrily. 

"I used to, but yesterday was a wake-up call for me. You're nothing like her you are you and the person I fell in love." Those words are swee-wait! No! He still cheated on me. "That doesn't explain why you cheated on me." Laito looked at me with guilt "I thought that you'd be like Cordelia and not care about that sort of thing but I was wrong. I knew I fucked up real bad." I'm not like her, Damn it. 

Laito noticed my irritated face "I'll stop now but I know what I did was wrong. I'm sorry and I understand if you don't forgive me." 

What should I do? I want to forgive him but the pride in me doesn't want to. "Just give me time  to think about it." 

"Alright, I'll give you time." Laito turns around to leave and walks out the door.

What now?

Those Eyes (Ayato X Laito)Where stories live. Discover now