The Danchou's Notes

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Okay, first and for most,

Happy Christmas and Merry New Year!

I hope all of my Trainees had a good one! Good riddance, 2014!

Alright, honestly, I feel like I'm cheating on you Trainees with these Notes that I recently started calling it, "The Danchou's Notes". I know you lot want the Reader inserts.

Anyways, I won't be doing that for a while...I'll be in a hiatus for now. Maybe up till early or mid February, if I'm lucky, maybe end of January.

So here are the reasons:

(A) I'm going on a camping trip with family I haven't seen for a long time up in the mountains. Signals there are repulsive. 

(B) I have this eight paragraphed piece that I have to memorize before January 5. It's apparently a contest that I'm scared to participate in. This is the finals, by the way.

(C) I'm trying to enjoy my last few days of vacation before I return to the most atrocious place in my entire life; school. There are people there who hate me and just can't seem to hakuna their tatas.

(D) My fate in humanity decreased quite a lot since...well...Ferguson. I don't live in America but that country is beginning to fuck up.

So yeah, personal reasons aside, I'll hold off requests for now. But my other novels are not on hiatus. I know this is sudden, but your Danchou needs a break once and a while.

I'm human too, you know?

I've had enough, most of you would probably not read this anyways. So try not freaking out when I haven't updated in a while, okay?

That's all.

Thanks for supporting this fucked up Filipino girl who arranges a bunch of letters to make one fucked up book.

Until then, be Humanity's Hope, Trainees! (literally)

Sylvia-Danchou is out, peace!

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