The good & the bad

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Duff's P.O.V
She continuously cried & complained "I love him!" " he hates me!" She often said, I didn't know what to do. I loved her & she loved him, why am I caught up in these types of things?

Slash has been a little mad lately, with steven gone & all, but it was for the best. Everything seems kinda different, everything seems easy, except the mixed emotions between slash & Anastasia.

"Thanks, Duff." She kissed my cheek "you're a good friend." She began to walk towards the door, what the fuck was that? "A good friend?" I put emphasis on the 'friend' part "yeah?" She furrowed her eyebrows & looked up at me "Anastasia, I don't want to be your 'friend'!" I quoted the friend part "duff, your a great guy. You're famous, handsome, amazing & kind man, but I don't want a relationship right now..." She admitted "no, you do want a relationship but not me, you want a relationship just not with me. You want slash, but Anastasia, I am only gonna tell you this because I care about you: Slash doesn't want to be with & quiet frankly you shouldn't either!" I walked away & threw myself on my bed "I know.." She whispered & walked out. I hurt her feelings & I know it but she needs to get a hint of reality! God, I feel like shit.

Axl's P.O.V
"And then he said that slash doesn't want me" Anastasia was crying to me. To say the truth: I hate duff & Slash right now. I hate them because Duff want Anastasia but she wants slash & slash doesn't want her, it's just drama. I feel bad for her, I really care about her & I don't like her to be so love sick.

But it's Christmas time (1 week until Christmas) & for most people that means happiness & joy, as for us, Christmas time is drama time. Usually someone fucks shit up, someone doesn't know their limit, someone snaps on everyone, or someone A walls. But shit happens & shit changes so you never know what might happen. Especially, with this self-destructive band.

Duff's P.O.V
I put up the mistletoes, I am single & this Christmas party is gonna bring me lots of girls. Izzy & our new drummer Matt mixed drinks in the kitchen. Slash & Anastasia put up decorations along the stairs. Axl & Erin were in their room rapping gifts, supposedly! Asia, I've been thinking about her a lot lately, the way she helps me, the way she cares for all of us, she's so smart & strong. She & I have our friendship back, she helps me out whenever I'm fucked up on drugs or booze & I help her whenever she's mentally fucked up. She's really been hurting, she told me. I didn't know what to do, I just hugged her, she liked that. Although, I am madly in love with her I accept our friendship, I never wanna ruin it! She's been gaining lots of pounds since the past months she's been here, at first she was like 80 pounds & now she's 130. She's perfect & she's always have been. She still loves slash & even though I am in love with her, I also accept her love for him.

Slash's P.O.V
It was 9pm & people were already here, I just wore some jeans & a random black shirt. Axl & Erin seemed really happy in this moment. Izzy was (like always) in the corner drinking his rum. Matt was outside somewhere, I last seen him with 3 redheads. Duff was having a drinking competition with some guys at our bar. Anastasia, I haven't seen here since we were decorticating. Oh my, we had this long interesting conversation about her life back at the strip club. I missed our old friendship & I'm so glad to have it back. Usually, Christmas time is drama but nothing really hasn't lit the flame.

I spotted sexy half naked women everywhere & I knew I could have them all, but there was this one girl that stood out from all the rest. Her hair was black & wavy, her dress was black &
it perfectly showed each & every curve on her body. I could almost feel myself being pushed to her, I felt as if I couldn't breathe when she turned around. Those beautiful simple brown eyes, big lips painted red, she had smile lines from her genuine happiness & dimples that showed with every one of her jaw movements. All these girls are a waste of time but she, Anastasia, she was worth it all. "You look stunning!" I told her with a smirk "thanks, Saulie!" She smiled widely as always "want a kick it out back?" I asked her "I'd love that but I'm actually with this guy right now..." She but her lip, those big lips I wanted to kiss at that very moment "it's fine." It wasn't fine.

I went outside & sat in the roof, I drank my Jack Daniel's & I was hella pissed off. That guy is a bitch, he smells like a bitch, he looks like a bitch, looks like a bitch, talks like a bitch, dresses like a bitch, drinks like a bitch, breathes like a bitch! Oh my god, I've never felt like this before, this shit hurts me but is also a headache, why do I feel like this?

Izzy's P.O.V
Rag Doll was playing but someone was being clumsy & unplugged the cord. I went to go fix it & was talking shit while doing it, one guy was like "who the fuck are you talking to?" & I thought to myself 'fuck it' & my big mouth blurted out "I'm talking to you!" BAM, he punched me. We begin to fight & I was losing a bit but "leave him the fuck alone" Axl threw an amp at the guy's head. Axl & I begin to beat him up then some of guy's friends jumped in. I smelled smoke & quickly the fire alarm started going off, the Christmas tree was on fire. This fucking idiot, Matt, was drunk & brought the whole fucking waterhose in the house to out out the fire but he got everyone & everything wet. It quickly escalated into huge rumble between anyone who was there.

3rd P.O.V
"Sit the fuck down!" Her loud voice in the megaphone & the sound of her firework going off making a loud sound grabbed everyone's attention, it was Anastasia "You, get the fuck off of Izzy!" She yelled at the blonde girl who was strangling izzy, she listened to Anastasia though "the fuck wrong with, stupid bitch?" Anastasia gave her a dirty look "okay, Axl put down the damn lamp & move from the guys!" Axl listened to her "Where the hell is duff?" She mumble "right here, babe!" Duff said loudly from the kitchen "get the fuck over here!" She told him & he did. "Matt, let go of the water hose! The water bill is gonna be hella high, you're paying!" She stated then looked upon the crowd of exhausted people looking like a pack of untamed wild animals being let out their cage for the first time. "Slash!" She yelled in the megaphone "okay, all you motherfuckers get our shit & get the fuck out!" She told everyone "Aye, Erin? Could you be a dear & look after everyone? Imma go look for the beast." She told Erin "no problem, go do your thing." Erin smiled

"Slash!" She yelled over everyone outside that we're getting there things & leaving. "Slash!" She continued "he on the roof, dude." A short man told her "thanks" she furrowed her eyebrows at him & smiled weirdly. She walked to the side of the mansion "Slash!" She couldn't see him, she walked to the front "Saul!" She got a little frustrated now "Saul!" She walked on the left side & look up "yeah?" He looked down on her "everything okay up there?" She shouted to him "yeah, just drinking." He told her "I'm coming up." She knew he was lying "no no I'm fine, really! You got your heels & your dress!" He tried to make up an excuse to stop her from talking him into telling her what's wrong. "Saul, I live right here. But that doesn't matter I just need to take off my hills!" She said then started climbing the ladder.

"Okay, so I am wearing a tight dress & my feet hurt but I just climbed a long ass ladder & I didn't climb it just to hear you say 'you're fine' now tell me what's wrong." She said as soon as she got up there "just me & some girl." Slash mumbled "oooh, tell em everything!" Anastasia was interested "just a cat & mouse game, Ya get me?" Slash sipped his alcohol "oh, well those are complicated. I mean like, you guys may never been on the same but trust me you should just make your move now! Like that's your best bet, slash.." She gave him advice on the girl. Slash grabbed Anastasia's neck & pulled her, his lips rubbing all along hers. They pulled & pushed, but for one second they both wanted it & for that one second a gun went off, the bullet charged into Anastasia's right arm, she was shot.

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