Just A Little Some Some

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"Frankie?" My raspy morning voice echoed down the hallway in search of my boyfriend of 4 years. "Babe! I got something to tell you..." He spoke back from the porch.

He was staring off into the never ending forest of oak trees that lead to the other side of town.

He wore dark blue Levi's that were hung right at his V-line. His dog tag necklace was backwards and could be seen from behind now. There was a large scar starting at his left shoulder blade leading all the way down to his right rib cage. His dad and him were in a boat accident. A shark fish cut him & his father drowned till death.

"What is it?" I walked towards him and embraced his freezing body that caused chills to spread like a forest fire along my warm arms and ribs.

His body relaxed at my touch and he exhaled very slowly, I was grew eager & curious to what he had to tell me, I was anxious.

"Does he still love me? Oh god, of course not! He's breaking up with you, yup, be ready. Because he's leaving you. You're ugly, a bum, you can't do nothing right-" my mind was speaking hurtful things but he interrupted my insecure thoughts.

"Mom called for me. She said she was very sick, she wants me to go home." His voice shook and it sounded like he was in pain.

His mother, Danielle, battled terminal cancer & joint arthritis. She was 56 years, he was the baby of the family so he was really close to his mom.

Frankie was the youngest of two girls, Marissa & Melissa & he also has an older brother, Cesar.

Marissa is 34 & is a business woman who is very wealthy. She once hit the lottery so, she invested that money into buying a motel. Soon, she earned more money from that motel & bought two more. She own 3 motels & a suite. You could say she is filthy rich.

Melissa on the other hand became a mother to twin boys at 15 & soon, became a single mother. Danielle threw her out the house at 15, Danielle also made sure none of her siblings ever spoken to her; she was considered a shame to the family. Melissa was poor & had no where to go. She's 30 now & the boys are 15, there the creators of a famous shoe cleaning product and are now filthy rich as well.

Cesar, 26, works at a sandwich shop in Oakland because he goes to Berkeley University in Oakland, he is studying for his bachelor's degree. He is the only one who is has a plan for himself.

"So, whats that mean?" I paused, scared of what he'll say. "I'll be home soon." He kissed my forehead & left inside.

I felt as if I could just shut down, he's leaving me. It hurt, very deeply. I know he wouldn't be home soon, I know he probably even wouldn't come back home.

He reached for his black crew neck & threw it on, avoiding eye contact with me, he seemed ashamed or disappointed or both, I couldn't read him.

Without any more words he walked out the house accidentally slamming the screen door.

I watched him as he jiggled his keys to unlock his car, I watched him as he strapped on his seat belt, I watched him as he put the keys in ignition, I watched him warm up the car, I watched him reverse, & I watched him walk out my life for God knows how long.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2016 ⏰

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