VII ; malfoy, hippogriffs and boggarts

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chapter seven.
( malfoy, hippogriffs and boggarts )

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THE SLITHERING FOUR MADE THEIR WAY DOWN THE GRASSY HILL, DOWN THE PATH TO HAGRID'S HUT AND TOWARDS THE ENTRANCE OF THE FORBIDDEN FOREST WHERE A SPECIAL CLASS WAS TO TAKE PLACE. Alfie looked up at the sky seeing the floating bodies of the dementors "I don't like the fact that they're right above us"

They looked above seeing the floating bodies cloaked head to toe in dark cloth, figures that only brought sorrow and loneliness on those who stumbled upon it. Tristin looked up as well "Dumbledore said that as long as we don't provoke them we should be fine, don't wanna faint like Potter did."

Cassidy shook her head clicking her tongue "I never thought someone would actually be able to escape Azkaban, it's unheard of but he did it" she spoke about Sirius Black the first to escape such a high complex facility.

"Do you think Sirius Black will actually come to Hogwarts?" Eleanor asked curiously, it was a great possibility that the accused murder of 12 muggles and Peter Pettigrew would come stalk the halls of the castle in search of Harry Potter no one knew exactly why of course, especially Harry Potter himself.

Alfie shrugged "If he can sneak out of Azkaban I'm sure trespassing into Hogwarts will be no trouble for him" he added, his feet stopping on the steps just behind the Golden Trio.

"Merlin can you lot move any slower?" Alfie questioned aloud, Hermione Granger turned seeing the four of them, a glare placed on her features.

Ronald Weasley ears turned pink "You know you're sounding a lot like Malfoy, Burke, didn't think he was someone you looked up to" he snarled back at him, Alfie stepped closer to Weasley, his stature towering over him"I would watch your tongue Weasel"

Eleanor stepped foward grabbing Alfie's arm, Harry seemed to do the same with Ron not wanting a fight to ensue. Harry and Eleanor locked eyes but quickly Eleanor was first to look away.

"Come on Alf" Eleanor said as she dragged him down the steps and onto the grounds of Hagrid's hut. We all placed our bags down standing next to the rest of Slytherins as we all gathered around Hagrid, staying far away from the crowd of Gryffindors that only sent dirty looks their way, the Slytherins doing the same.

"C'mon now, get a move on! Got a real treat for yeh. Great lesson comin' up. Follow me" Hagrid leads us toward a small paddock just to the side of the Forbidden Forest. In the paddock, was a freestanding iron rack which hangs dead ferrets, and nearby was a pumpkin patch.

"Gather round. Find yerself a spot. That's it. Now, firs' thing yeh'll want to do is open yer book--" Hagrid started as he demonstrated with Hermione's copy ripping off the Spellotape to bind it.

Eleanor reached down to grab her book, stroking the spine before opening and making a mess everywhere, she looked towards the Gryffindors seeing Neville Longbottom already failing to keep his book under control

"And exactly how do we do that?" Draco asked, his nose stuck up in the air as he looked towards Hagrid in annoyance and disgust.


"How do we open our books" Malfoy repeated as he took out his own copy of The Monster Book of Monsters, which he had bound shut with rope

Hagrid looks, "You stroke the spine of course" he said shaking his head as if it were common knowledge.

"Oh, how silly we've all been!" Malfoy sneered "We should have stroked them! Why didn't we guess!"

Eleanor rolled her eyes, her despisement for the boy making a comeback quickly as he opened his mouth spraying his sarcasm towards Hagrid with little to no effort.

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