XIX ; the dark mark

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chapter nineteen.
( the dark mark )

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THE GROUP RETREATED TO THEIR TENT AS THEY FOLLOWED THE LANTERN PATH. Nobody felt like sleeping with the level of noise around them, given that they all agreed to have some hot cocoa together before turning in to have another early morning to head back home.

They changed into their pajamas, and Eleanor pulled a jumper over her head to keep herself warm from the cold chill that slipped through the tent flap. Her hair was placed into a ponytail, and her slippers were on her feet.

Everyone had fallen asleep as soon as their heads hit the pillows. It wasn't until Eleanor woke hearing the pattering of feet outside.

Amos had woken hearing it, too. "Dad, what's going on?" Eleanor whispered as he went up to check. Eleanor peeked through the light of a few fires still burning. She could see people running away into the woods, fleeing something that was moving across the field towards them, something that was emitting odd flashes of light and noises that reminded her of gunfire. Loud jeering, roars of laughter, and drunken yells ceased and became screams of terror.

A crowd of wizards, tightly packed and moving together with wands pointing straight upward, was marching slowly across the field. Eleanor squinted, not sure what she was seeing. Amos moved her out of the way, ordering her to wake up her brother and friends.

"Get up! Hurry now!" Amos had said hurriedly as he stomped on his jacket, grabbing his wand from the counter.

Eleanor could hear the shouts and running of feet outside the tent getting louder. "What's going on?" Tristin asked as he got up from the couch

"We are being attacked. Grab a jacket and head towards the forest. Stay there till I fetch you all. I have to go help," Amos said and then turned to Cedric and pointed at him sternly. "You are responsible for your sister, do you understand?" Amos said

Cedric grabbed his wand and grabbed Eleanor's hand, her friends following suit as they exited the tent. Amos went in the opposite direction towards the mayhem.

"What the hell is going on?!" Cassidy shouted, frightened as they moved to pass the people wanting to get out of the way of the masked figures.

The heads were hooded, and their faces masked. High above them, floating along in midair, four struggling figures were being contorted into grotesque shapes. Eleanor recognized them as the muggles from that morning, the campsite manager: Mr. Roberts, his two children, and his wife. One of the marchers below flipped Mrs. Roberts upside down with his wand; her nightdress fell, revealing her voluminous undergarments. The crowd below her screeched and hooted with glee as she struggled to cover herself.

More wizards were joining the marching group, laughing and pointing at the floating bodies, Tents crumpled and fell, and the marching crowd swelled. Eleanor could see them blasting tents out of their way and catching fire.

"I'm going to help the ministry!" Amos shouted over all the noise as he pushed his glasses into his face

It took a few seconds to recognize who they were. Death eaters. She froze in realization as they drew closer and closer.

"no," she whispered to herself, "no, no, no, no, no, no, no..."

Cedric pulled Eleanor's arm, taking out his wand just in case Cassidy and Tristin held onto each other as they followed them as quickly as possible.

Eleanor's heart pumped violently, and she thought she might collapse. Eleanor couldn't string her thoughts together.

Was he coming back?

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