Chapter 28

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     Four Months Later

     "Justin, faster," The girl moaned in my ear and the thing I wanted most of her was to shut up.

     "Remember, no talking." I groaned out. If she kept talking, I was pulling out and leaving. I needed to be at school in 30 minutes and this bitch was taking forever to finish. I needed to focus because her voice was unpleasant.

     Finally, a few seconds later she finished, and I finished afterwards. She was breathing hard, still on my lap, so I put my hands on her hips and pulled her up and off of me and onto the backseat of her SUV.

     I pulled up my pants and she started getting dressed herself. "That was fun." She smiled and I mumbled a "mhm," clearly uninterested. "We should do it again sometime."

     "Sure." I agreed, not really bothered to really answer her. I would probably just end up ghosting her like I did the others. I opened the door and she grabbed my arm.

     "Leaving so soon?" She asked with a smirk on her face.

     "I have school." I answered in monotone.

     "We can skip?" She suggested.

     "No." I said and got out of her SUV and walked to my BMW which was parked next to hers at an empty park near the water.

     I got into my car quickly and drove off to school. I would probably reek of sex, but I didn't care. Lately, it's something I've done often just spraying myself with cologne. None of the guys questioned me about it.

     Ten minutes later I was parked in the school lot, with 5 minutes to spare to make it to first period. Adam and Dante were at the front of the school as usual, leaning against the steps, Dante had his arm glued around Xenia.

     "Another quickie?" Adam laughed and I shrugged.

     "Let's just get to class before we're late." Jacey added in, knowing more about my feelings lately than anyone else.

     "Agreed." I mumbled and walked off to class.

     It's been 4 months; 4 months since I last talked to Selena Gomez. If I would have known that night was my last night talking to her, I would have stopped her from leaving.

     At first, I would see her occasionally around the halls, walking to class and in our actual classes since we had a couple together. She would ignore me though; not make eye contact, not a wave, nothing. We both ended up finishing our English project on our own times and apparently, we did great because the teacher told me, both Selena and I had received A's. That was in October.

     Now it was February. The weather has definitely changed, snow covering the grounds of Tacoma. Temperature has dropped and a new semester of school had started last month, and I had no classes with Selena this semester. I haven't even seen Selena around the halls. The last time I've seen the dark-haired beauty was before winter break.

     I was depressed, I was angry, I was frustrated, everything but happy. I hadn't realized how much I had become dependent on Selena and how much her presence made me happy.

     My mom, siblings, and friends were worried about me. My father of course oblivious to my feelings and what has been going on. Well, part of that isn't his fault since he hasn't been around since Christmas. My parents haven't gotten a divorce and they haven't told us kids what happened, but it's clear that something happened, and mom found out and kicked dad out. Maybe it had something to do with the woman Jaxon found dad with.

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