Chapter 13

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Hanging out with Justin has been great and the fact those words were actually coming out of my mouth, I wanted to punch myself. I literally told myself I wasn't going to fall for Justin or anything.

We currently were lying in his bed, the movie coming to an end and I felt myself getting sleepy. With it being a school night, I knew staying over was not an option like it was on Friday. I'm actually sure I fell asleep sometime during the movie.

Since I came over right after my game, I was still in my game clothes, so Justin let me borrow some sweats and a hoodie until I got to my own home and was able too shower.

I looked over to Justin and he was paying close attention to the movie, while eating small handfuls of popcorn. I noticed every feature of his face from his honey brown eyes, to his nose, the way his lips parted when he was focused.


I sat up from my spot quickly as if I had seen something scary on television. "Are you okay?" Justin asked and I whipped my head to look at him and nodded.

"Yeah, oh um, I'm fine, just fine." I croaked out. "It's getting late, I should get home." I said and grabbed my phone beside me to look at the time. 9:47pm.

I had no messages from my mother, which says a lot because if I was back home in Florida, she'd be flipping tables right about now. Maybe it had to do with the people I was involved with back in Florida—they weren't the best of people to be around influence wise, but I mean, it's not like I fell off the rocks hanging with them.

Justin got up from his spot on the bed and pulled up his pants which had been hanging low a bit, showing a peak of his Calvin Klein boxers causing me to swallow. What is happening to me?

"Selena, are you one hundred percent sure you are okay? You're blushing?"

"I am sure." I mumbled out and quickly got off the bed grabbing my stuff. "Is it okay if I return your clothes to you tomorrow at school?" I asked not wanting to undress at the very moment.

"Yeah that's fine." Justin nodded.

When Justin dropped me off at home, my mom and Brian were already asleep, but Gracie was waiting for me. When I got up the stairs and was about to enter my room, she emerged from hers, eyebrows raised and noticed me wearing boy clothing. She ended up basically blackmailing me, so I agreed to do her part of the chores for a month for her not to mention to the parents I had come in late wearing boy clothes. The last time I did that, I was with my ex, Jared and they really freaked out and took me to the doctor to get tested the following week even after I had told them repeatedly nothing had happened.

Falling asleep took no time, and I ended up sleeping in Justin's hoodie because I enjoyed the smell of it. Whatever was going on with, I was going to let it happen. But in reality, I knew what was happening; the same thing happened with my ex, Jared. I was developing a crush on Justin Bieber.

I was developing a crush for man whore Justin Bieber.

That night I dreamt about Justin—and no PG dreams they were.


"Selena, you look so refreshed this morning?" Xenia mentioned.

"Yeah girl, you're glowing." Molly followed up.

I was at my locker with Xenia, Molly and Jacey, waiting for the bell to ring for first period to begin.

"Did you have sëx last night?" Jacey whispered and Xenia and Molly leaned in for my answer. I shook my head, and their shoulders fell in disappointment.

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