Chapter 30

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unedited but hi. (: 

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"Justin, please stop pacing." I heard my mother beg but I didn't stop. I paced back in forth of the jail we were currently waiting at.

"Mom, I can't! How can I stop when Selena is in a jail cell right now!"

"Technically, she's in an interview room. Justin, she's with her lawyer, she will be okay." My mom tried to calm me down, but it wasn't working.

It was currently 11 in the morning and I was running off less than 3 hours of sleep. After seeing Selena last night, she stayed on my mind. I had just fallen asleep at 6 in the morning when I received a call from Selena around 9. She was calm and had explained that she had been arrested and needed my mom to get a lawyer and for my mom to also call her parents.

Three things went through my mind: First, Selena was abnormally calm for someone who had just been arrested on drug and weapon charges. Secondly, she called me instead of her parents? Maybe either she was too scared to call her parents, she needed my mom's connections with a good lawyer, or I was the first person to come to mind. It could've been all three. Thirdly, she remembered my cell-phone number.

"Oh, my goodness, Pattie! Where is she? Where is Selena?" Mandy came in frantic, her eyes red and puffy, obviously from crying. Brian came in next to her, look of worry also written across his face.

My mom got up and took Mandy's hands in hers. "Selena is in the interrogation room with the lawyer I got for her. They are trying to charge her with possession of illegal drugs and weapons, but the lawyer is hopeful she can get Selena out of this."

"Why is she so hopeful?" Brain asked.

My mom shrugged. "She hasn't given me much information due to legal reasons, but basically she said this was really all Selena's idea."

Mandy gasped. "Selena's idea was to get arrested!"

Brian rubbed Mandy's shoulders and kissed the top of her head. "Remember, she's innocent in all this."

Mandy sobbed. "She's in connection with that stupid Jared Brooks guy. This is all his fault! Where is that boy anyway? Probably off free."

"Actually," my mom began, "Jared Brooks was arrested too along with his cousin Joshua."

Brian furrowed his brows, "What? How?"

Again, my mom shrugged, "I think it was all Selena. Selena found a way to get the cops to catch Jared and Joshua in the act and in order to do that, she had to tell on herself too. The cops had arrested the boys first at some port and later Selena at the house she was staying at with them."

"I'm just glad my baby is okay." Mandy said in-between cries. An agent came up to them asking if they were Selena's parents. Once they nodded, they followed the same agent to some office and went to talk in private.

"Justin," my mom placed her hand gently on my shoulder, "why don't you go home and get some sleep? You look exhausted."

I shook my head. "No, I'm not leaving without Selena."

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