Chapter 16

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unedited but whats new?

stay tuned until the end, need feed back 😈

^whew that gif of justin is making me fan myself

I walked away from Selena, anger running through my body. Man was I a fool to trust her. To trust that I could talk to her about my family. A fool to think I could tell her about how I really felt, how I really wanted my life to be. Thankfully, it never got that far as I realized she was just a snitch.

When I got home from my game earlier that day, I went to her mom's shop to find her and she wasn't there. I looked at her mom shocked, thinking, 'oh, maybe it was last minute she got off.' But no, that wasn't the case; her mom informed me Selena knew she had this day off for a few days now. I left confused on why she would lie to me.

Did it have to do with what my teammates said about her earlier? I mean, later I told them that they shouldn't do that—yeah, I didn't say it at the exact moment, but it's the thought that counts, right? Maybe not.

Leaving Selena's mom's shop, I went home to be greeted by a disappointed looking mother and a furious looking father. "Hello." I said to them and my dad slapped me.

"What's wrong with you boy? Cheating on tests? Do you understand how serious that is!" My father yelled at me while I held my reddened cheek.

"Because you're always up my ass about getting excellent grades! I'm not the smartest tool in the shed no thanks to you!" I backed talked, earning another slap from my father and a gasp from my mother.

I was sent to my room, and I had no protest. There was no way I wanted that problem with my father to escalate. It was always, 'punish now, ask questions whenever I want,' with him. My mom did nothing to help either in fear of receiving the abuse herself. I even told her I could handle it; I didn't want him laying a hand on her or my siblings.

Laying around in my room got me thinking how they found out and the first person who came to mind was Joshua, the one who gave me the answers. But I shook that thought because he wasn't that dumb to turn himself in. The only other person I could think of was Selena since she saw it all go down.

Could it have been Selena? I mean, is that why she lied to me about working because she would actually be telling my parents about me? thankfully, my parents never took away my cellphone whenever I got in trouble, so I ended up texting Selena and not hearing back from her until late, lying saying she was busy at work. Then, in hope I asked her to meet me at 2am at the park nearest to her house and was surprised to see her when she showed up.

Of course, she had to mock my feelings and that's when I was over it. I didn't want to talk to her anymore, I didn't want to hear her side of the story, I just didn't care. This is why I never trusted girls. This is why I never opened up to anybody about my home, my parents, what I wanted to do with my life and so on.

I called her cold, because she was. She lied and she didn't open up herself. I was lucky to learn a little bit about her family but what, that was it? What about the Jared guy, who was he? An ex? Some family member of hers? A killing spree partner of hers? Also, what about friend wise? I barely knew Selena as a person and who she was back in Florida.

I thought maybe she was a sweet, genuine person, someone I could trust. But I can't trust someone who snitches. And yeah, maybe I was overreacting because I am the one who cheated, I need to take responsibility for that myself and I will. I just—I thought Selena would never do something like that.

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