Goodbye Sami

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"Korra you okay?" Asami said as she entered the room Korra was resting in. Korra was on the floor with her hands on her head shaking her head "GET IT OUT!!" she shouted, Asami got to korras side. "H-how can i help!"

"G-get out my fucking head!"

Asamis eyes widned "w-what?"

"I want you to fuck off! your only who i think about! just fuck off!! i hate you i fucking hate you" Asami could feel the pain in her heart, it was unbearable, "Asami! Its Tonraq he killed Zhu li!" Bolin said as he stormed into the room. he paused as he saw korra trembling and Asami beside her.

Korra growled at  her fathers name "Bolin!" Asami said as she gave Bolin a death glare

Korra stopped trembling and got up until Asami grabbed her wrist "Your going to get hurt"
Korra glanced back at Asami "its my family, you've done enough to fuck up my life" Korra pulled away from Asami. Bolin walked up to Asami "You need to let her go".

Korra stormed out the Mansion. she was angry not Angry at Asami but at Tonraq. He gave a horrible name to Korra's family and it pissed her.

As she approached the building she heard sirens going off "Korra!" she turned her head to see Ty lee running towards her "Korra its Zhu li! shes dead! a-and Tonraq said he's going after you next" Korra clenched her fist "Let him" Korra ran into the building  and saw a dead body before her 
"Took you long enough" A man said as he stood up 

he was very strong and was twise the size of Korra. "Tonraq"

"Oh what happened to Father. you are so disobedient" Tonraq grabbed Korra's hair and slammed her face against the wall "And i hate disobedient kids!" Tonraq let go of his daughter and watched as she wiped the blood from her face

"Oh is that a hickey i see, Korra you let someone else touch you"

Korra immidently shut her eyes "Don't remind me you asshole"
Tonraq growled and grabbed Korra "Remeber your body belongs to me i took your gift! i was your first and i will always be your first, you belng to me do you understand that you slut!"

korra was weak, she didn't know what to do the memory of all those night fled into her mind.

"Here i'll make you a deal" He said punching Korra in her stomach 

"I'll leave Republic city and leave your precious Asami alone if you come with me"

Korra sat on the floor her stomach hurt so bad it was immense pain "Y-you promise you'll leave Asami alone?"

"Yes now answer" Tonraq grabbed Korras head and punched her one more time

"AH! FINE!" That was all He needed to know. he grabbed Korra and put her over his shoulder "Say goodbye to republic city slut you won't be seeing it again" 

Korra began to feel tears on her face *Goodbye Sami*


Okay hold on! Before you tell me how bad the ending is i just want you to remember this story wasn't suppose to go on for so long and i was running out of idea's but remember that story i told yall about well here's a small teaser for it. so i give you a small bit of "Mistakes"

"Asami i-i've had this...t-thing for you for so long and i can't stop thinking about you, w-what i'm trying to say is i-i l-love you a-and i hope you feel the s-same way" I was in the spirit world and Korra was confessing her love to me "I-i love you too" I said and kissed Korra passionately

"Asami wake up!" shouted a deep voice, i opened my eyes from my amazing dream and stared into those golden eyes, Mako's eyes "um...w-what is it?" he looked at me like there was something wrong "So you love me, you were saying how you love someone obviously its me". i inhaled my dream. my dream was about Korra and i wish the spirit vacation went like that but it went more like *Korra i'm sorry my feelings towards you is still just a friendship* and i haven't heard from Korra since


Tell me what you think, i came up with the idea for it when i was writing Makorra and i said to myself "I really hate Makorra" and then i thought of Masami (mako and asami) so yeah! great imagination me!


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