Korra's Rampage

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Korra ran not stopping, she couldn't stop, and she didn't care. No her mother was alive she had to be. nobody can live in a world like this, shes alive "Are you okay you lo-"

Korra rose her fist and punched the man in the face "Fuck off!" she shouted and carried on running. It was still pitch black, Korra had no idea what time it is and again she didn't care.

When the hospital was visible Korra ran in there and past the receptionist. "Hey Wai-"
But Korra didn't listen she remembered what room her mother was in. when she was outside the room it became hard to breath,  her feet weighed 1000stones it hurt she opened the door, and her eyes widened the bed was empty, there was a clipboard on the bed. she quickly ran over to it and read over ll the details.

"Seena Waters, Mother of 5, condition Cancer, Time of birth 1975. age at first child 25, Age at second child 27, age at third child 39, Age at fourth child 40, age at fifth child, 40. Parents - Shoda & Chae. Spouse - Tonraq Waters. Cause of death- organs failure. 

Korra's eyes widend "Korra i'm so sorry" Asami said in a soft tone, but that voice gave Korra maximum rage "N-no your not you caused it" Korra ran up to Asami and pinned her on the floor 

"Its you! You killed her i told you not to fuck with my family! and now shes dead because of you!" Korra shouted she grabbed Asami by the neck trying to suffocate her but her body wouldn't allow it

"I trusted you! i gave you my gift! and you still lied to me! WHAT HAVE I DONE  TO DESERVE SO MUCH PAIN!!" Korra shouted she threw Asami on the floor and punched the wall leaving a dent and a few cracks "K-korra" Asami tried to help Korra but it wasn't working "K-korra i lo-ve you"

"AHHH! Stop lying!!! All you do is lie! Just shut up!" Korra slammed open the door and walked out. Asami couldn't help but tremble she was truly scared for Korra.

Korra looked at the small glass window and punched through it, her knuckles went all red as blood spilled from them, she grabbed one of the bits of glass and used it to cut her palm she winced in pain but watched as the blood dripped onto the floor "Ma'am are you ok-" Korra grabbed the woman and Stabbed her 

Once Korra dropped the woman she saw someone in the distance. they trembled at the sight of a murder "p-p-please don't d-on't hurt me" 

Korra ran up to the man with the peace of glass in her hands, she grabbed his head and cut the glass through his neck cutting his head off. Korra ran for the exit, every person she saw she wanted to kill, there was no stopping her Korra was mad, crazy insane and that was the hurtful truth.


Asami walked threw the bloody halls, was Korra really killing all these people, until she heared cries, of a small child. Asmai ran towards the sound as it got louder. she saw a girl with dark hair 

"whats wrong?"

"My papa hes not waking up" the girl screamed pointing to the man on the floor with his head on the other side of the hall "Shit, dammit Korra" Asami picked up the little girl and ran outside, she saw sirens and multiple dead bodies "Lin?" Asami said as she saw Lin get out on of the cars

"Asami, what are you doing here there's a murderer on the loose"

Asami sighed "So its true you moved to police chief, but its not a murderer its Korra"

Lin sighed "I know who it is but i need you to help me, you know Korra more than anybody what's her motive and where is she going to go next?"

Asami gave the little girl to one of the passing officers "Get her some help her father was murdered." Asmai turned back to Lin and thought for a second "Her motive, i didn't tell her about her mothers death"

Lin grabbed her radio and spoke into it 

"I need one of the best metal doctor ASAP tell them their patient Korra waters has gone mad and killing everybody in sight" 

"Chief! We found where she is, shes at the Spirit park! it looks like she has only killed about 45 adults but no children" Lin looked back at Asami.

"Why didn't she kill you?"

 "I don't know"


Korra sat on the bench as she carried on cutting her skin, "Lies, all lies they all lie" Korra looked around and saw sirens "Shit!" she got up and started to run, she had no idea where to but Anywhere awya from Asami was perfect, "I wanna die" was all the things in her mind.


"Kai come here stop being anti-social" Unalaq said as he watched Kai join him and the kids to watch Tv "I hate the news" Kai said before the news reporter announced something horrible

"There has been knews that a young lady in republic city is on a rampage to kill many people she is about 20 and has blue eyes, i repeat she will kill those who she sees" 
Kai's eyes widened and so did Unalaq "T-thats Korra" Kai quickly ran out the house 

He wanted to save his sister, before they really hate her. Korra was just a misunderstood person all she wanted was happiness she never deserved this much pain and Kai was the only one to understand that 

"Damn you Asami"

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