Ba Sing Se

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Yeah I update apparently.. it's crazy

Also... THANK YOU FOR 100 READS!!!!!!!!!!


But honestly thank you guys so much for reading! It was your support that got me thinking about this again. I never want to let people down so I plan to see this story through!

Soza took one look at Ju Dee and knew something was very wrong. The other had obviously caught on to the fact that she was a little strange, but Soza was a bit more in the ball, or at least she thought.

"She's been brainwashed." Soza said plainly as soon as she left.

"Oh okay- WAIT WHAT!" Sokka was the first to react.

"Soza that's impossible." Katara said plainly, but Aang kept silent. Something told Soza he was thinkign something similar to her.

"I was in the Fire Nation Military. I've seen brainwashing. It's not an instant thing, but keep someone in a certain environment for too long and the crack. Let me tell you that woman has shattered." Soza replied to Katara.

"It's true. I remember my old Fire Nation friends talking about stuff like that happening before the war started. It even happened to one of my friends. I went to see him after his 3 years of cadet training and he was a completely different person." Aang said, the with obvious pain in his voice.

Later that day Soza left to go to the market, despite Ju Dee's complaints, to get some tea. Soza refused to believe Ju Dee could make a good tea selection, and thus went out on her own. Ju Dee then tried to get her guards and a guide because she was blind, but Soza yet again pointed out that she could see perfectly fine for the most part, and wouldn't be helping to train the avatar if she couldn't navigate a marketplace. Soza was going about her business when she sensed a stronger chi signatures than the rest. Only a firebender could produce such a chi.

Meanwhile... Zuko walked through the market in normal earth kingdom clothing. Azula and her friends had decided to infiltrate as Kyoshi Warriors while Zuko figured out where the Avatar and his friends were. That's when he spotted Soza. She wasn't hard to make out considering her pale blond, almost blue, hair, and scarred eyes. She was tea shopping. Zuko just about tolled his eyes to the back of his head. Of course she was tea shopping, because she was just that perfect. SHe must be some goddess in Uncle Iroh's eyes. 

But why do I care what Iroh thinks? Zuko asked himself, trying to ignore the guilt he felt. Pushing his feelings aside Zuko decided capturing Soza would be the best way to lure out the Avatar. However, Zuko didn't account for the fact that Soza somehow realized he was there. The briskly slipped into an alleyway, and Zuko began to give chase.

Soza rushed through the alley. She was too concerned about getting away to notice the subtle nuances in chi that told her whether the person was a bender or not. Those with neutral chi were earthbenders. Firebenders had a stronger chi as they needed to connect with it to bend. Waterbenders often had a weaker chi because they were more in tune with their bodies for bending. Soza didn't know too much about Airbender chi, considering she only knew Aang, and his chi was incredibly strong considering her was the Avatar.

Soza felt the ground heat up from the friction of earthbender, and she immediately jumped in the air to avoid the attack. But now, with the speed of the jump her vision was off. Two more rock formations hit her. One in her stomach and the other in her head. Soza skidded across the ground. She couldn't risk firebending, and she didn't have any knives or swords. Everything was confiscated by Ju Dee.

"Pretty ain't she." a man's voice rang out.

"You shouldn't go out by yourself blind girl." another said.

Soza tried to slow her breathing. If she firebended she put everyone else at risk. Aang and the rest would be under suspicion for bringing a firebender into the capital. She just had to stay calm and assess the situation.

"Hey!" Soza heard a familiar voice and looked to see the firebender's chi she saw earlier. As she shifted to a better angle, Soza realized her head was bleeding heavily from the back of her head.

"Fuck off brat!" one man shouted out. Soza heard swords drawn. As the two forces began to fight Soza tried to get up, but couldn't manage it. Her head was spinning  and everything seemed to hurt. She was shaking for some reason and pain came in waves as her adrenaline wore off.

Finally the sound of swords stopped, and Soza heard footsteps coming towards her.

"Are you ok Soza?"

"Z-zuko?" was all she could muster before passing out.

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