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Thanks for all the reads (:

"How is it that out of everyone here you trust me the least!"

"There at it again." Katara murmured to Aang as Zuko once again picked a fight with Soza. Ever since they'd returned it had been like this. Each person on the team had managed to create some sort of connection with the angry firebender, but Soza still seemed hesitant.

"Look I know I haven't been the best person, but everyone else has been able to see through that. Why are you being so difficult!" Zuko continued to yell as Soza stared off in the distance.

"Just shut up okay!" pale hair whipped around to face the prince. "You know this would've been really nice in Ba Sing Se! But no, let's wait until it's convenient."

"That has nothing to do with it!" Zuko spat back.

"That's it! You. Me. Agni Kai. Sunset. We'll settle this the old fashion way." Soza brushed past Zuko and into the Air Temple. 

"Seriously? We're supposed to leave tonight, not get all busted up!" Sokka yelled to Soza, only for Aang to put a gentle hand on his shoulder.

"I think this needs to happen."

"Are you joking!" Katara yelled out at Aang, thoroughly confused.

"Look, though none of us may like it, I think this is what Soza needs to get it out of her system." 

"I hope you're right." Sokka said looking warily at the fading image of the pale haired girl.

Sunset came too soon for Zuko, and not soon enough for Soza. Sure Zuko had the Agni Kai with Zhao way back when, but he was in hindsight a much weaker opponent. Plus he had Iroh to guide him. Now Zuko had neither. 

Soza on the other hand was ready to fight. Zuko was right. She should trust him. But something held her back. Soza wasn't sure if it was really about Zuko even. Everything felt out of sync. She couldn't even lightning bend anymore. Something was throwing Soza off balance, and it felt like tonight that question would be answered.

Toph made a platform in one of the valleys in between mountains. The sun's piercing gaze would only over the sky for ten more minutes. If no one won by then, it would be a draw.

"Uh... ready? I guess?" Sokka said from above on Appa.

"Just say begin and we'll started." Suko replied from down below, not taking his eyes off of Soza.

"Alright... BEGIN!" 

It started out fast. Gone were the large sweeping attacks both benders were known for. Both opted for smaller flames that shot out quickly with deadly accuracy. Zuko's technique that of Iroh', breathing in and out as he shot the flames. Soza using waterbending techniques to move her body and dodge while bending.

Then things got bigger. Large, sweeping blasts of fire that could be seen for miles began to come out. First Zuko, the Soza to counter. Flames rocketing from their palms as they held postion, firm an steady. Ending with Zuko beating Soza in the collision.

"What's going on with you? You're better than this!" Zuko yelled from across the ring.

"Shut up and fight!" was all he got back.

"Come one Soza! Where's the lighning? What made dad so proud of YOU!" 

"Shut up, Shut up, SHUT UP!" Soza yelled as her fire began to spray in a more uneven, animalistic style.

"Why? Why are you so scared of me!"

"I'M NOT SCARED OF YOU. I'M SCARED OF... of... of" Soza's voice faded as tears pooled in her eyes. "I'm scared of him. I'm scared to go back there."

"But you were literally just back there..." Sokka began, but Zuko held up a palm for silence.

"It's not the same knowing that even though you finally have something to believe in, going back there and facing your past can tear you apart."

"No it's not the same at all." 

"But we have your back Soza." Zuko said as he pulled her into a hug. "All of us. Especially me. You are my world Soza, and I'm not about to let the world down."

"Well this is fun." Sokka said as he, Aang, and Katara all looked away as Zuko and Soza kissed in some sort of child-like disgust. "Are you done over there?!"

"Yes Sokka, we're done." Soza said in her usual warm tone.

"Great! So now we can go." Sokka replied.

"Can I please do one more thing?" Sokka nearly growled, but nodded anyway. Soza breathed in deep as she stepped away from the rest. Her index and middle fingers lining up just so. As she began to move white lightning seeped from her fingers and swirled around her body. She began to move like a dancer, something similar to the Dancing Dragon technique from the masters.

"Wow. I've never seen anything like this." Zuko said, the white charges flickering back in his eyes. Unlike Azula, Ozai, and Iroh, Soza didn't generate and then use the lightning immediately. It instead traveled her body, almost forming a barrier of sorts around her. Finally her arms fell into a finally rest position, and the lightning was sent through the ground slowly, causing nothing more than a little static electricity.

"Alright, light show over!" Sokka yelled as the two firebenders jumped atop Appa. "To the Fire Nation, and then Firelord Ozai himself!"

I think this might be my favorite chapter yet!

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