The Lost Princess

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Iroh tentatively stepped towards Soza. As she began to bend the water from the Oasis pond around the fish.

"You know that won't do it. The fish needs a spark of life." he said quietly, sitting next to her.

"I know." she said softly. Zuko had run off after Zhou and Aang, Katara, Sokka, and the water tribe princess were wrapping their minds around Soza's identity. 

"Tell Zuko I love him. To abandon this quest for honor and truly be happy." Soza continued, a single tear slipping down her cheek.

"No! No Soza you cannot do this!" Iroh cried, grabbing the girl's hand.

"It must be done." she replied calmly.

"What must be done?" Aang said, walking over to the two.

"I'm going to give the spirit my spark of life." Soza said sadly, "I don't know if it will be compatible, but it's out only hope."

"No!" the white haired girl said, running over towards Soza and Aang. "I have life gifted to me from the Moon Spirit. Use my life!" 

"Wait you can't..." Sokka said.

"It's the only way to be sure." she replied with a smile. "I love you Sokka."

With that Soza grabbed the girls hand, and she was dead. The fish began to stir around, and Aang became possessed by it. While he began to rampage Katara and Sokka watched as Iroh wrapped Soza into a tight hug. 

"I thought I lost you. I thought you were dead." he said, a few tears leaving his cheeks.

"I was never killed or kidnapped by anyone." she said replied, "It was a set up so Ozai wouldn't come to look for me. I was really just running away."

"So you ran away from being princess of the Fire Nation? Why?" Sokka said.

"I'm not a princess by blood. Ozai killed my parents and 'adopted' me. I was more like enlisted me. He though I was the Avatar because I could naturally bend fire and water." Soza explained.

"So why can you waterbend?" Katara asked.

"Soza had been able to water bend since before her parents were killed, so at least since she was three." Iroh replied. "While Zuko has been searching for the Avatar I have been keeping an eye out for Soza."

Just then Zuko returned to the scene, but completely ignored Katara and Sokka. 

"Who did this to you. Who gave you that scar?" he said, running his hand over the scar across Soza's eyes rendering her completely blind.

"Why?" she replied.

"I want to burn them alive." Zuka said darkly.

"I guess I'll have to watch out then." Soza resonded. Zuko's good eye widened. "I never wanted to see Ozai's face again."

Zuko backed up a few steps in shock. Soza had cut her own face. 

"I'm sorry for leaving you alone in that place, but I couldn't stay there." Soza said.

"It doesn't matter. Come with us now Soza. Please." Zuko pleaded with her.

"No." Soza said stubbornly, standing up to face Zuko. "I have a purpose now. I will protect the Avatar. I will train him to bend fire. I will help him defeat Ozai." 

"Fine." Zuko said, trying to cloud his saddness with anger.

"Let us go Prince Zuko." Iroh said, taking his nephew's arm and leading him away. Meanwhile Soza turned towards Sokka and Katara.

"I-I'm sorry for not telling you. I- I just--- I don't want to be who I am." she said, looking down to the ground. "I understand if you don't want me to come with you all anymore."

"What? Are you crazy! You're our friend Soza!" Sokka said.

"And you're sticking with us wether you like it or not." Katara said with a smile.

The three had a group hug that Aang eventually joined in to, mostly because he couldn't quite stand on his own.

"Ok gang! Next, the Earth Kingdom." Sokka said as they all cheered.

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