Under the Cover of Darkness

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Aaaannnndddd one binging of Legend of Korra and we're back baby! Thank you for your votes and reads!

Soza jumped between pieces of ice she froze into the sea as she made her way to a nearby island. The way the tide moved pointed her in the right direction as she listened for the sound of waves crashing against rocks. Only a small sliver of the sun remained int he sky as she reached the place,

Knowing she was short on time, Soza made her way inside a cave. She planned to use her blindness to her advantage, but it was a full moon that night. The brush and forestation on the island was lit up in a brilliant blue, making it difficult to hide. 

Sitting a breathing slowly Soza sunk deep into herself. She'd never tried to make direct contact with the spirit within her, but it was now or never. Beads of sweat dripped down from her face as she focused. Connection with any spirit was difficult for a non-Avatar, much less on that you had a volatile relationship with.

"Ah, so we finally speak." the voice of the creature calling itself Ravaati said in a deep baratone within the confines of Soza's own mental space.

"Please, I need you to contact the avatar. I know you cant travel to him very quickly in the spirit realm." Soza said. Time was ticking.

"Normally I'd relent from doing humans any favors, but it really would be no fun to just be thrown in a cell.

"So you'll help me?"

"Don't say it that way. I'm helping me.

Soza just laughed at the attitude of the spirit as it began to slip from her body. 

"Just know that as long as I'm gone you can only firebend. My gift of water will not be with you."

"I understand." 

Soza waited as she heard noises from the outside of the cave.

"We can't tell him just yet! We can catch her still and it'd be like it never happened." Well that was definitely Azula.

"Just give it a rest. She's probably halfway across the ocean now." And then there as Zuko, always the cynic.

"No way, I can feel her here!" Azula again.

"Come on Azula. Let's just go home." Ty Lee no doubt.

"Seriously, this is such a drag." And of course there was Mei.

"Fine. Let's at least just check in this cave." 

Soza held her breath as she felt the four enter. She could sense Zuko and Azula clearly from their immense chi, but Mai and Ty Lee were harder to sense. Still she could hear each of their footsteps. Ty Lee was always light on her feet though, and Soza's hair prickled up her spine as she felt the acrobats presence mere feet away from her face.

"It's so dark Azula! How am I meant to find anyone in here?" Ty Lee asked. Azula and Zuko had  candle-like flames coming from their fingers, but the fire only reached a few feet in the large cavern.

Soza knew they'd find her sooner or later, and the full moon wouldn't much matter if she didn't have her waterbending. No, if Soza wanted a chance she needed to take some of them down right here. Ty Lee was the closest. Without knowing her footing her acrobatic skills would be fairly useless. 

All could hear swift air that flowed through the open space. Soza jumped form her ledge glided by Ty Lee, swinging her arm to land a precise hit on her neck to knock her out. 

"Ty Lee!" Azula said in a furious voice before realizing the girl had already been taken out. Next was Zuko. His sight was already impeded by the red and puffy scar coating one of his eyes. Regardless, Soza didn't want to get too close. She slowly made her way to the entrance. She could feel the midnight breeze pointing her to her destination. 

Focusing with a deep, calming breath, Soza lined up her pointer and index fingers into the all too familiar position. A strange sense of calm washed over Soza as the electricity verbirated within her being before reaching outside her body. It was strange how something so deadly warmed her soul and felt so natural to her chi.

"There!" Mei yelled out as blue electricity flowed from Soza. Aiming at Zuko she sent three charges of lightning at him from different directions. 

Before they could even hit him Mei had sprinted towards and blocked them all. Soza took a few steps back. The blast was meant to be something Zuko could handle, not Mei. 

"You bitch!" Azula screamed as Soza sprinted out of the cave, blue flames right on her tail. Zuko followed suit and soon Soza was cornered at the edge of the island. Neither of the two sibling knew why her waterbending wasn't working, but it wasn't too important right now.

"Well well, I've gotten back just in time haven't I?"

A rush filled Soza as Ravaati returned to her being. A feeling of wholeness consumed her, distracting her from the current fight.

"I've had enough of you!" Azula spat as she flew at Soza with a lightning charged attack. Soza's body moved on it's own as she took a stance that not even she could recognize. Soza felt cold all of a sudden, and when she faced Azula she found the firebender was struggling to move.

"You're welcome. There is water in everything, and you can bend it to your will."

"Wh-what did y-you do Ravaati?" Soza said aloud.

"I believe they called it blood-bending. It's quite useful don't you agree?"

"Why do I feel so... so cold?"

"Cause you're a wimp?"

"This isn't right. It doesn't feel right. 

"I go and get your friends and this is my thanks? Last time I do you any favors. Speaking of which, they seemed a little busy with their own blood-bending troubles. I got something else instead."

A roar could be heard in the distance over the crashes of waves and the beach breeze. It was unmistakable. This silhouette against the moon. Wings stretched brilliantly across the sky.

A Dragon.

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