Enough prt.2

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(If you are lost read enough the first chapter)

"I gave it my all, all of my cards are on the table. I've done it all ,I got nothing left in me, but nothing is never enough. I can't give anymore your love is impossible. cause its still not me dancing with you in the dark.so I can't give enough

I love you & im sorry-Y/N

August felt his heart drop to his stomach,his knees felt weak as he struggled to hold himself together.August hadnt mean to push her away, he just didnt know how to cope. August wasnt a man of many words,he kept his emotions guarded. He thought he had to be strong for her, he'd hear the way she'd cry everynight and morning, he couldn't let her see him hurting too. August crumbled the paper in his hand suddenly feeling all those emotions he'd held back for the past six months opened like the floodgates....

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