Chapter 25

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Okay chapter but the next few will become more interesting I promise, I DO HAVE A PLOT!!!


Allison’s POV

It’s been a few days since I told Zayn what happened. Honestly I was kind of glad that I told him about it. I’m glad that I didn’t keep it from him and I’m glad that I’m not keeping things from him anymore. Everything feels so much easier and less stressful.

At the same time, it sucks, because I have to leave, whether I want to or not, I can’t stay. Every day my heart breaks a little more. Every day I’ve been becoming closer to every single one of the boys.

I think what’ll hurt the most out of all this is leaving Niall. We’ve become so much closer than before and I don’t know how he’ll take it when I leave his life again.

Then there’s Zayn. The guy I’m falling for harder and harder every second of the day.

I tried. I really did. I tried not to have feelings for him. I tried to hate him. I tried not to forgive him but in the end my heart took over and it left me at a dead end. I’ve fallen harder than I thought I ever would. This time, I think it’ll be tough trying to get over him. He’s been through so much with me and I don’t want to let him go.

I was sitting on the couch next to Niall. My back was to him as he was playing with my hair. He’s been trying to braid it all day but he just can’t get the hang of it.

“You have too much hair,” He complained as he split my hair into different pieces.

“No, more like I don’t have enough hair.”

He laughed. “Your hair almost touches the ground! How could you want more?”

“My hair doesn’t even touch my butt! So no, it isn’t long enough.”

“Whatever you say sis... How do you braid again?”

I groaned. “Let’s say one day your singing career doesn’t work and you’re jobless, never- and I mean never ever- consider being a hair stylist.”

He began laughing as he twisted my hair and tried to style it in some way.

“Oh come on, I’m not that bad!”

“You’re right; you’re not bad you’re horrible.” I began to laugh as he dropped my hair. I could tell that he was crossing his arms over his chest and pouting.

“Your mean,” I turned around to see him doing just that. His arms were crossed and he was indeed pouting.

I ran my hand through my tangled hair to try and make it not as frizzy because of Niall’s amazing hair tricks.

“I’m joking Niall, I’m sure with a lot of help and years of training you’d become a decent hair stylist.”

“I have a feeling that that’s as nice as I’m going to get it from you.”

“Yah, probably.” We both began to laugh as I turned to face the TV.

“So talking about jobs, have you considered anything for the future?”

“Uhm, no I haven’t.”

“Have you considered singing as a career? I mean, you’re pretty good. No... More like amazing, remember when we made you sing for us? Yah, it was incredible!”

I shook my head furiously. “No, singing is not my thing. It’s yours. Anyways, I was scared shitless having to perform in front of just you and the boys; I wouldn’t even have the guts to sing in front of a huge crowd of people.”

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