Volume 1 Chapter 11 Lost Memories Part 1?

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Previously: He felt more powerful than he has ever felt before, he got his father's abilities. "Rose, thank you for helping me." She smiled at him and then said,"No worries about it, I was also returning the favor as well. You did save me first. Anyways I have to go back home but I'll come visit very soon." He smirked slightly and waved goodbye as they all started to leave. But then rose stopped in place and turned around and ran over to him and grabbed his hand,"Just so you know I'm not a human being, and I'm made out of pure magic. Okay, well I'll see you later." She ran towards her family and he stood there in shock of what she said."Hmm, not human and made out of Magic. How interesting, well I can't wait to see her again." She passed out halfway getting back and Gareth carried her the rest of the way home. 

What does she have to tell them? What will happen next to the Demon kingdom now that there is a new heir? Who will target her next? Lizard men? Faires? Ghosts? Or something else entirely!?

It's been several day's since then and Rose hasn't woken up since she passed out halfway through going back home to the Beastman Kingdom. 

While she’s unconscious, darkness is brewing and creeping up on the brothers and their lovely Rose. Talk about a girl made from magic was residing in the Beastman Kingdom Castle. The Far World was becoming more and more populated by more shady figures. 

Meanwhile Back At The Demon Kingdom~

King’s Retainer/Adviser~” My lord you were invited to the beastman kingdom from, ‘The Werewolf Ruler Azul HellHound’. What is your answer sire?” 

Kyoka Virian,"Arden Berlin, You know that I cannot refuse a proposal from my new ally, We shall see be there at once." 

Arden Berlin,"Yes of course sire. I'll get things ready for this evening."

Kyoka Virian,"Thank you, Arden Berlin. He smiled happily at his old childhood friend, who is now his servant.

Arden Berlin,"It's my pleasure." He bowed his head and then left the room to get things ready.

Kyoka Virian,"I can't wait to see her again. I wonder how she's doing?"

Back To Rose~ 

Azul,"How is she doing now, Gareth?" He said worried. 

Gareth,"Her high fever is going down, but she hasn't uttered a word since she passed out, several days ago. I don't know how much longer I can take this." He said, restless and infuriated about this situation. 

Azul,"I know how you feel my friend. The feeling is mutual. But we must stay strong for her when she finally wakes up." He said, as he put his hand on his brother's shoulder.

Suddenly, She started to have a seizure and then screamed out in her sleep. Azul and Gareth panicked when this happened in front of them. They both held her still so she wouldn't hurt herself in her sleep.

In her head she was reliving a memory way after her guardian Braka died by the humans. 

*Rose Raven's POV* I hear them getting closer to me, I can't remember why I'm running. Or who is chasing me? My mind's in a blur. And I can't stop crying! I keep saying Braka, but who is that? What is a Braka? Why am I sad? How old am I? 5? 7? 12? I don't know what's happening with me? Tears stream down my face and hit the dirt ground below my feet as I run through a forest. I see a light in the distance...As I draw near... I see no one but bloodied corpses of bird people? One grabs my leg and say's,"Run Rose Raven...I love you.." Is that who I am? I can't remember anything about myself… Then I hear a loud voice behind me,"I found her!" I turn around to be surrounded by people...humans? Am I human? I stumble backwards towards the edge of the ledge and slip on some fresh wet blood. I fell off the cliff and fell towards the ground in slow motion I saw nothing but void in my memories...my life didn't flash before my eyes...All I saw was the faces of the soldiers that were chasing me and how much hate was in their eyes. What happened to make them hate me so much? I shut my eyes as I get closer to hitting the bottom of the ravine. Then I hear a gentle voice,"I love you my sweet child." I open my eyes to see no one, I look around to see I hit the bottom but didn't die? I was in a freezing cold lake, completely soaked in icy cold water. I saw a cave in the distance and crawled towards the entrance shaking violently as I started to freeze to death. As I reach the entrance I hear several voices and I get the confidence to push past the shaking to call out for help...But nothing came out, I reached the point of no return and saw wolves leaving an area where a campfire is. I ran towards the campfire and then had the sudden urge to hold my hand out. Fire suddenly appeared from my hands and the fire was lit enough for me to warm up. I started to fall asleep by the fire… As I started to wake up I heard the same voices yet again but closer. But once I opened my eyes I couldn't remember what happened and how I got there. Just my name and that I can make fire from nothing…. He's hurt? I wonder if I can help him? Their such pretty creatures I can't help but smile. They have such intensity in their eyes, but I have a gut feeling they won't hurt me, if I don't try anything. It hurts me to see him hurt, I must do something for this poor creature. I start to hear them speak but not opening their mouths like what happened with the bird creature that said they loved me. I can make fire and hear animals? What else can I do? Nevermind that, I need to help him now. I get up from sitting down and walk towards them slowly but in a confident way. If I show fear they will kill me, I know that without a doubt. As I get closer they growl at me like wild beasts stalking their prey at night. I reach out for his black fur above his eyes and feel a weird sensation engulf me and shoot out my hand. Green light comes from my hand and his wounded eye starts to heal up. "Is it better now?" I hear them discussing with each other about how they should handle me. I'm glad he's fine now, but what now? Then I hear them say something about eating me, I panic and speak up. "Um Sir's I don't know where I am, I just know my name and that I could heal you. I didn't want to interrupt your conversation but I just had to say something." They all look at me with a shocked look but even more hungry than before. "My name is Rose Raven, what's yours?" They keep looking at me like I'm food. I don't know what to do, for some reason I'm not scared in the slightest but I know I should be. The wild wolf that I healed started to walk towards me. He changed into a new form and appearance of something closer to me? A human? (Small wolf ears one side is white and one black and a long black and white tail. A huge vertical cut on their right eye. Wears a Black n White suit and a black suit jacket. Black combat boots and black gloves, butler style. Elemental resistant material. In his late 20s at least, and has a British accent, monotone and deep voice.) 

He crouched down and then said,"Hello there Rose Raven, I'm Azul the leader of this pack. Thank you for healing me, my pain is all better now." I feel so empty as he stares at me. I keep smiling like I'm so innocent but I can't remember why I'm here to begin with. Why... can't I remember anything?! He looks at me again after looking back at his wolf friend's...they all change form like him and grumble to themselves about not being able to eat me. I can just tell they are all starving for food. "Rose Raven, do you remember anything?" I can't help but look at the ground and feel sad about my situation. I don't even know anything about myself, if I have parents or siblings. Or what type of food I like. I'm clueless about everything and I feel a growing void in my heart and a pit in my stomach grow bigger by the minute. I look up to see him waiting for me patiently to answer his question. Who was once a fierce looking wolf is now a kind and gentle looking man. I have a strong desire to cling to him right now. I run towards him and hug him tightly with all the strength I have left as I cry out in sadness. Tears fill up my eyes as he stands up. With me in his arms and pressed up against his chest. "Rose Raven do you want to join us? It's not a place for a human girl, it's dangerous and scary but if you want I'll take you in as our own." His voice soothes my sadness and I stop crying instantly afterwards. My sadness fades as I look into his eyes. My heart pain stops and I smile genuinely for the first time ever since I got in this cave. "Yes please." He laughed at my answer and smirked slightly at me. "How an intriguing human you are child." I felt like my burden's have been lifted for the time being. I feel like I can belong somewhere and find myself again one day. He set me down and then Introduced me to the other's…. To be continued...

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