Volume 1 Chapter 7 The Darkside Of Our Prescious Rose...

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Previously: Her dark side consumed her other side and she went completely silent and black in color. Her green eyes were the only color shown. The beast men tried to touch Jackal and she grew black ooze like hands out of her back and they turned into black blades as big as an great swords. They were all skewered right through the heart and stomach Upon impact. She retracted her black blades from them and sliced them on half so they couldn't regenerate. She smiled like a psychopath as the hands went back into her body. Then there was one left and he was shaking in fear and just as he looked at her in the eyes. She pulled him to her face and she changed her head into a wolves and bit into his neck and ripped off his head like it was nothing. She dropped his weapon that was cutting her hand and healed herself up instantly and then changed her head back to her human form and she looked at him with relief that he wasn't hurt. She started to walk towards him,"I'm glad you are alright." She smiled and then collapsed in the puddle of blood of one of the beastman she killed.... 

Jackal was thoroughly impressed with her power, he wasn't expecting that to happen. Just as he scooped her up the others arrived and went into shock over how much blood was dripping down from the rooftops and how much blood was running down the street. Jackal explained what happened and they were even more shocked that their dear Rose was capable of this much evil. But they're not scared or mad, they are glad she defended herself and took care of their brother. They have a child of darkness and light in their kingdom and family. And they couldn't be more happy about it.

A few hours later~ She woke up in clean clothes and in her bedroom. She looked around and then remembered what she did, she rushed towards the restroom and threw up. She's not used to killing people, she's not even close to her friends cold and brutal feelings towards those who they kill. As she is throwing up and freaking out about killing someone with her bare hands and even her mouth. The others were out cleaning up her mess except for one. Gareth walked towards the bathroom and leaned up against the doorway and looked at her,"Are you alright My lovely Rose?" He said in his stern deep voice. She held her stomach and couldn't stop throwing up, she kept seeing the blood on her hands and all over her body. She cleaned up and then faced him with tears welling up in her eyes. He pulled her into a warm embrace and rubbed her shoulders,"Shhh, don't worry I'm here." He looks like a tough guy and acts like it. But around rose he's a real softy and gentle wolf. She felt sickly after throwing up, he caught her just before she fell backwards. He brought her into her bedroom and laid her down, he sat down on the ege of her bed and smiled at her. She glanced over and saw him smiling at her."Gareth I have a question for you." He nodded,"Yes My Rose?" "Am i like family to you or something more? You act differently around me than when you are around other people." He laughed at little and then grabbed her hand and smiled,"You are too young for me to answer that question, wait a few years." He got up and left the room. She looked confused at what he meant by that, she went to sleep.

A few hours later~  She was woken up by a unfamiliar aura coming near her, she woke up instantly and grabbed his throat and her green eyes glowed bright in the darkness. "Hahaha, you are fast. Calm down my dear I'm a friend of the hellhound brother's. I go by Jethro." She loosened up her grip for a second and then he punched her in the throat and she fell to her knees and then looked up and just before she passed out he changed into his Demon form. "Stupid human, you are going to taste wonderful tonight." He grabbed her by the hair and brought her to the kingdom of the Demons In the world of Fae...To be continued

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