Volume 1 Chapter 9 Secret Form Unlocked!?

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Previously: They both got surrounded by Demons of the castle and then..."Virian what the hell are you doing!?" The King showed his face to them. As he walked towards them the building shook because of his presence. They both were pushed to the ground by his aura pressure. Then suddenly Virian was grabbed by Jethro and his neck was being squeezed until he started to struggle. This sight enraged Raven immensely, he saved her from imprisonment and risked his life to save a stranger because of he thought it was right. She felt the pressure around her lessen and felt like she was absorbing the Mana particles near by in the air. She didn't know what was happening but her body started to change in form...

Flashback Started~

Elder Dragon,"Rose come here child, I want to show you how to become one with the Magic around you. Close your eyes and concentrate on how the air feels around you and then try to control by Will to do anything you desire." 

Rose made a mini ice castle on the ground with magic particles in the air nearby. The elder dragon laughed pleased and then she ran to him smiling,"Braka-San I love you!" He looked at her and nuzzled up to her."I love you too Rose...one more thing you may use my power and form to save those you consider Friends...you will remember everything in due time..." "Huh what did you say?" "Nothing special, Don't worry about it."

Sadly good things come to an end...

"I'm sorry but I must lock your memories away, now before you go, take my blood so you can use my dragon form and abilities as your own...you will remember this one day, I love you so.." "KILL THE BEAST!!!" "WHERE IS SHE!?" 

Flashback ended~

This sight enraged Raven immensely, he saved her from imprisonment and risked his life to save a stranger because he thought it was right thing to do. She felt the pressure around her lessen and felt like she was absorbing the Mana particles nearby in the air. She didn't know what was happening but her body started to change in form. 

*Rose's POV* I remember now...my guardian was a dragon before he locked my memories. He shared blood with me and so I can use his powers and dragon form. I feel like I can do anything now, I don't need any magical items now...*

Rose's Dragon Form~

(Red & Black scales replacing her normal skin. Very strong and not easy to cause damage to her in this form. Low tier magic doesn't affect her, and she absorbs their Magic and can return it back ten folds. Thick skin and scaled Wings that come out from her lower back, can change in Shape and size by will. As we'll as a short dragon tail that can change in shape & size at will too. Cold and Hot doesn't affect her, neither does her magical Elements she can control. She can breathe magic, fire, ice, water, ECT. She wears light armor made out of Black and Red Dragon Scales.)

Jethro saw this and his eyebrows raised in suprise. He dropped Virian and then just as he did that he couldn't move a inch. He looked down and saw his legs were frozen in place. He burned it with his blue flames and he dashed backwards to get distance from her. She was now a Red & Black dragon. Virian was trying to breath but his throat was crushed badly. She saw this and took a knee and looked into his eyes. He looked into her green emerald eyes,"Don't worry about anything else but recovering." She said smiling kindly. She placed a healing barrier around him. "This will heal you so please let repay you for your kindness." She stood up and walked towards the 'so called King'. "You pathetic human/creature think you can live through this? What a joke?!" He laughed at her and then suddenly his Right arm was now laying on the ground next to him. And Rose was smiling big with an evil look in her eyes. He screamed curses at her and told his men to kill her. But to no avail didn't they even get close enough to touch her once. She turned them to a puddle of blood and lumps of flesh. 

She kept a blank expression on her face as she slaughtered every single Demon that got in her way of reaching the king. Jethro saw this and took a step back in fear and hesitation."What the hell are you!?" He screamed out as he ran away from her but then he was stopped by a hand...not just a normal hand. But several roots shaped as earth hands, Started to wrap around his legs and feet. He turned his head to be met with her glowing green eyes shining bright. She was breathing out cold air with ice particles coming out. Her dragon Claws are covered with ice. She is getting closer to him and then she Senses someone coming in fast speeds directly towards her. She smirked devilishly saying,"Brother's you have come to save me huh?" Gareth ran towards her and past the king and hugged her tightly, so much so she could barely breathe."I was so worried about you my lovely Rose." "Is this the scum that took you?" Derrick spoke with a pissed off tone of voice. "Can I kill him? I want to torture him slowly!!" Jackal said, licking his lips. "I want to as well...." Lucian said that just Loud enough to be heard. Rose transformed into her normal child form but with a different atmosphere around her than before. She walked over the king and grabbed his neck and squeezed it very tightly like he did to his 'son'. "You asked what am i right...do you really want to know?" The King looked at her and gulped in hesitation and fear. "I go by Rose Raven but my species is Magical Child Of The God's..." The King's eyes widened and then she smirked as she let go of his neck. She turned around and walked towards her new friend,"This Demon King is no more, and you may do with him as you please, I have a good idea of who should replace him." The others looked at her and instantly noticed she was acting more adult than before and more independent. She turned off the barrier and helped her friend up to his feet. "Hey Kyoka are you alright?" He looked up at her and she was smiling big with a shine in her eyes like before but it's somehow more pretty than before this all happened. He grabbed her hand and she pulled him to his feet. "Thank you for saving me...Rose Raven." He smirked slightly but trying to act cool. She grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the others. He looked over at his father and her friends that came to save her. Some of them are scowling at him but the others are just really curious about him... To be continued

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