Missing Queen (Part 3)

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It was almost sunset and Trollex still couldn't find Poppy.

But, just as he was about to lose hope, he saw a light at the bottom of the ocean.

The light was coming from inside a cave.

Trollex could hear laughter inside the cave.

"Poppy? You in here?"

She was there.

She swam to Trollex, "Trollex! Boy, am I glad to see you!"

He said, "I knew I'd find you! Are you alright?"

Poppy responded, "I'm fine. I was unsure of what to do at first, but then I met her."

Trollex looked where Poppy was pointing and saw a lovely Techno Troll.

They both looked at each other for a while until she said, "Hello."

"Uh, hi. Hello."

Poppy introduced them, "Trollex, meet Moray Mist. Moray, this is King Trollex."

"King?" Moray curtsied in respect.

Trollex said, "Oh, no. You don't have to do that for me. It's wonderful to meet you and thanks for helping Poppy out here."

Moray replied, "It's no problem and it's wonderful to meet you, too."

They both blushed.

Poppy then said, "Not sure what's going on here, but how about Trollex leads us back to Techno Reef to tell the others I'm fine?"

"Oh, yes. Right."


In Techno Reef, everyone was starting to get worried.

"They're still not back yet?"

"What if something happened to both of them?"

Branch finally said, "You know what? Enough is enough. I'm going out there to find them, even if it kills me."

But then, everyone sighed with relief as they saw Poppy and Trollex swimming back safely.

"You're back!"

They all then started another party.

Poppy went to Branch, "Hey, how's it going?"

Branch was a little frustrated, "'How's it going?' I've spent all this time worrying about you ever since you got knocked into the open ocean and you ask 'How's it going?!'"

Poppy smirked.

The other leaders went to Poppy as well.

King Quincy said, "Glad to see you're still in one piece."

Delta said, "Wasn't exactly looking forward to building a coffin for a Queen."

Everyone stared at her awkwardly.

Barb then noticed Moray and Trollex, "Hey. Who's that with Trollex?"

Poppy explained how she met Moray and how Trollex might've gotten hit with Cupid's arrow.

Before Trollex joined DJ to make music, Trollex spoke with Moray, "I hope I see more of you often."

Moray said, "I hope so, too.

Both blushed.

Moray then swam into the crowd to join in on the dancing.

Trollex watched with wonder in his eyes.

TBDB saw, "Oooooooh."

Trollex pushed him away playfully.

They then continued to play music.


When the party ended, Moray went back out into the open ocean.

Only, instead of returning to her cave, she went a field of underwater volcanoes.

There, she was greeted by creatures that sort of looked like Techno Trolls, but had octopus legs instead of fins, and fins on their heads that resembled hairstyles.

When they saw Moray, they all bowed.

Moray then took off her fins to reveal the same octopus legs, and her hair was actually a wig hiding another fin hairstyle.

She announced, "My people, I have great news: I have found a way to extend our kingdom."

Everyone cheered as Moray made an evil smile.

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