Triple Threat (Part 3)

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She made it to Tiny's party, where Tiny didn't open his 'present' yet.

She asked, "Tiny, I'm so sorry, but can I please borrow your present?"

Tiny shouted, "What? No, girl! You can't have my present back!"

"Not even for a minute?"

Smidge said, "Poppy, what is going on? I swear, King Peppy's stuck around for a party longer than this."

Poppy remembered her dad, "Um...I'll be right back."

But this time, everyone shouted, "Hold on! Where ya going?"

They all then started chasing after her all the way to Peppy's pod.


Poppy entered, "Ok, I'm here. Let's finish the telescope."

Poppy tried to put it together, but was struggling.

Peppy stopped her, "Hold on, honey. You're supposed to be using that drill. Where is it?"

Poppy said, "The drill! I left it in Techno Reef!"

Peppy heard her, "Techno Reef? What's it doing there?"

Poppy then ran out the door with her father and friends behind her, "Poppy, wait! Get back here, honey!"


She then jumped into Techno Reef where everyone was getting tired of her constantly running off.

When she grabbed the drill and tried to leave, Trollex and the other leaders stopped her, "Hold it! Where's my guest going this time?"

Guy Diamond then shouted from the crowd, "Your guest? That's our guest you're talking to! What's going on around here?"

Tiny then said, "Yeah! I'd like to know also; What kind of birthday present is this?"

Tiny unwrapped it to find the headphones.

Suki looked at them and said, "Hey, Poppy was supposed to bring those to me!"

Trollex then said, "Those look like my headphones!"

Poppy tried to deny it, "Are you sure? They don't seem like yours."

Smidge then took a closer look and asked, "Oh, yeah? Then, why does the side say 'Property of King Trollex'?"

Delta said to Poppy, "You've got a lot of explaining to do, missy!"

As everyone starting demanding answers, Poppy finally said, "I've got something to say!"

Everyone gasped.

Poppy then started to explain, "I know you all had big things you wanted tonight. Dad, with your telescope. Tiny, your half-birthday. And Trollex, this annual coral bloom. I just couldn't say no to any of you."

Delta then said, "Oh, honey, you overextended yourself."

Peppy continued, "Yeah, you should've said something."

Guy then said, "We could've worked something out."

Poppy agreed, "You're right. It was silly of me to think I could be in three places at once."

King Quincy then said, "Here's an idea. How about we do all three events since we're all here?"

Everyone thought it was a wonderful idea.

Trollex then looked at his watch, "Oh, and just in time, too! The bloom's about to happen! Everyone, now is the time for Techno Reef to be the most beautiful it will ever be in a year!"

Everyone turned their attention to the coral and gasped in awe as the coral bloomed different colors of the rainbow and glowed so brightly, they lit up the whole reef.

Trollex then shouted, "Let the coral bloom/Tiny's half-birthday celebration begin!"

Everyone cheered as Trollex put on his headphones and started playing 'Celebration (Techno Rave Remix).'

The leaders and the Snack Pack then helped Peppy finish his telescope and once they did, he instead used it to look at the coral.

And it was needless to say that Tiny was having the best half-birthday ever.

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