Chapter 31

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Shoutout to @creativelycute1

Rowan's pov

Everyone is silent and no one dare speaks as we all watch the casket being lowered into the ground

Riker cries and Vanessa tries to console him but I see a few tears in her eyes also

I put my head down in sadness, she had died in the hospital, she had died in front of my very eyes and I could not protect her

"Don't worry, it'll all be fine, stop blaming yourself okay, there's nothing that you could have done" Stephanie tells me and tears begin to well up in my eyes and I just nod and she leaves


It's just me now, Riker and Vanessa had left fifteen minutes ago, I just couldn't, she did this for me, she did it for me

A hand on my shoulder takes my attention

"Rowan you need to let it go, she was being a good person, anyone would have done the same"

I finally look up

"Ma desse, I know but she shouldn't have jumped in, she shouldn't have saved me from that rogue, how am I going to live with the guilt knowing that rikers mum in now dead because of me Nora how" I say sobbing

"My love don't blame yourself, come on we need a change of scenery, let's go" Nora says, she drags me by my arm and I get up

As we walk she gives me a smile I can't help but smile back, my beautiful Nora

We walk back to the pack house and we enter

"Surprise" everyone yells

Huh what's going on

"Happy birthday my love" Nora says jumping on me and giving me a hug

She lets me go but I still remain speechless, I stare at her in awe, how did I get so freaking lucky

After I still don't speak for a while she looks down and starts to fondle with her fingers

"Umm I wanted to umm surprise you but if umm to don't like it umm it's umm fine I can umm tell everyone to umm go h.." she stutters and I kiss her with love

"I love it, I love you, you're the best, thank you" I tell her after the kiss

She blushes and gives me a heart warming smile

"I have a present for you" she tells me

"Oh do you now" I answer

"Yh follow me to our room" she says and takes my hand

"Okay I like where this is going" I tease but she rolls her eyes and giggles

She stops at the front of the door and she says

"close your eyes" She says and I do, she leads me into the room and I hear her shut the door behind us

"okay open" she says and I do, she hands me a box and she looks down nervously shifting her weight from one foot to another

She looks so cute, I open the box slowly and I notice her impatience

I look into the box and I see about 10 bracelets?

She starts talking as I pick one up "I wanted to get you something that reminds you of how much I love you and tells you everything I love about you so I got you bracelets, each bracelet says one thing I love about you, I was originally going to get you fifty bracelets but Stephanie didn't let me"

I look at her and notice her still looking down at her feet

I study the bracelet and I notice a small italic writing and I couldn't help but blush at it

'i love your smile'

I read the rest

'i love your hair'

'i love your eyes'

'i love your sweetness'

'i love your warmth'

'i love your attitude'

'i love your arms'

'i love your cheeks'

'i love your feel'

'i love you'

I stare at her tears welling up in my eyes, how could she be so perfect, she looks up slowly making eye contact before she looks back down

"Nora wow, this is just so wow, you're so special gosh, I love you so much" I say hugging her tight, lifting her in the air and pecking wherever I can reach on her face

She giggles
"Rowan stop"

I let her down reaching for the case in my pocket, my heart was speeding up as I realize what I'm about to do

We gear a knock on the door and she goes to answer it, I get down on one knee and I bring out the case, I open it to reveal a pretty diamond ring, simple but beautiful just like my perfect mate

"Nora I-" I start but she says

"Hold on Rowan I'm coming"

She walks in the room still not looking in my direction as she is talking to Vanessa who also walks in

"Nora" I try again trying to get her attention

"I'll answer you in a minute" she says so engrossed in her conversation that she still didn't look at me

Vanessa notices me and she gasps

"Nessa, what's wrong" Nora asks her and I roll my eyes still on one knee how long is she gonna make me wait like this

Vanessa points at me and Nora turns around and sees me and she freezes

"Finally" I say out loud waving my hands in the air

"Oh.  my.  freaking.  goddess" Nora says and I chuckle

"Ma deesse, my mate, my love, you are everything to me, I can't imagine my life without you and I don't think a life without you is worth it, I know that as werewolves we don't need to get married but I want to make this official, I want to make you mine in every way possible so my Nora will you do me the honor of being my wife"

I say nervously waiting her answer and she stood unmoving, I got scared when I saw a single tear come down her cheek

I stand up and go to wipe her tear away but she just tackles me unexpectedly hugging me so tight

"Yes Rowan yes, of course I'll marry you"  she says when she finally let's go of me

She runs outside the door and screams


I laugh and place a small kiss of her forehead

I sigh happily, now all that's left is to start a family

Heyyy guys so this is the last chapter of The Alpha Female I hoped you guys liked it

All those who thought Nora was dead gather here

I really enjoyed going through this journey with you guys and I appreciate all the love and support, without you guys this book would have been nothing

Thanks I love y'all

So I have a new book I'm working on it's called Alacres, please read it

Random question
Do you like epilogues?


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