Chapter 24

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Nora's pov

This can't be real, but I saw it with my own eyes but it can't be real, it can't be


"Ro..wan" my voice cracks and two set of eyes turned themselves to me

They were on my bed, Rowan was in my bed with her, he was kissing the same woman who took my first mate, Tiffany

They both stood up quickly, his eyes filled with guilt and she just had on a smug smirk

I would have let it slide, probably brushed it off as an accident but the guilt in his eyes aren't letting me do that

"Well I'll see you later Alpha" Tiffany said with a wink to him

"Nora, long time no see, how have you been" she said walking towards me but I didn't even look at her and she just left

This could all still an accident right, I mean they could have accidentally come to my room, accidentally layed down on my bed and accidentally started kissing right, right

"Nora I can ex.." he starts but I silence him with the raising of my hand

"GET OUT" I growl surprised at the weight of my own voice

He looked at me with pleading eyes but I didn't even flinch and he left, without saying anything else he left

End of flashback

It's been three days, I am currently on the library floor, I refuse to lay down on that bed, I refuse to go back to that room since that day and Rowan hasn't bothered trying to talk to me since and I haven't spoken to anyone

Mella has been awfully silent, I've tried talking to her but she just blocked me out

That room, my room, they were in my room, my room, my mate, my room those words stabbed me hard

I need a release, I need to release this pain I'm feeling

I know what to do

I walk back to the forsaken room and I ask a maid to bring me some things

I enter the room as she hands my what I asked for, her eyes questioning but she doesn't dare voice her thoughts

I look around the room as the memories return, clutching my chest in pain as I stare at that bed, my bed

I pick up the kerosene I had the maid bring and I poor it generously around the room and on the bed I make sure no part of the room is left out

I pick up my blade, a blade that I hid just incase I may need it someday, I silently prayed to never use this blade again but I need it desperately

I cut a slash in my arm and I sigh in sweet release as the blood flows

I raise my arm above the bed and my blood drips I don't know what came over me but I am suddenly filled with anger I close my eyes and open them and they instantly turned grey

I smirk as I put down my arm and I bring out a match box I light it and I throw it on the bed

Instantly it catches fire and I watch it with a smile I put my hand in the fire as the burning soothes me I remove my burnt hand and I watch as it heals

I light another match and throw it on the floor and sickly smile when the flames get higher

I walk around the room admiring my work, but I am still furious, the anger still bubbles within me

I notice something from the side of my eye that catches my attention and I walk towards it by the edge of my bed there is a small box and I open it to see a locket

The locket was beautifully designed it was silver with a little red gem dangling from it, I open it and I see a picture of Rowan and I

I was standing with his arms around my waist from behind and we were both smiling

I could feel my eyes slowly shift back to brown, my previous anger and crave for destruction all turning into sadness

I sit on the floor and drag my knees to my chest as I hold the locket tightly in my hands

I just stare at my burning wall, I am in the midst of flames and I can feel the heat but I don't bother to move

I feel my skin burn but I don't make a sound as I savour the feeling, I wanted to feel something, anything except the heartache so I just sit in the midst of flames

I hear the door fly open and I can feel his presence but I don't look at him, I feel him walk up to me and as he was about to touch me I raise up my free hand for my other hand was still clutching the locket tightly

I get up and walk past him and I hear him suck in a breath as our shoulders brush, if we weren't in this situation I would have smirked at the effect I have on him but now I just wonder if she also had the same effect on him

"I miss you" I heard him slightly whisper but I pretended not to hear it as I walk out of my now burnt room

I walk to the room I had presently been staying in and I stripped and entered the bathtub that I had previously filled with cold water

I loved the feeling on the cold water on my skin it's so relaxing

I put my head under the water for a while and gently put it back up and I continued with the rest of my bath


I am on the library floor again resting my back on a book shelf enjoying the quiet when Zack entered and looked quite startled when he saw me

"Oh hi Nora" he greeted me warmly and I give him a forced smile

"How are you doing" he said walking towards me

"Great" I answer him back with false happiness my voice sounding hoarse

"I was just about to get some lunch, wanna come" he asked hopefully

"No thanks, I'm fine" I answer him bluntly hoping he'd get the hint but sadly he didn't

"Please I just really want to hang out with you" he says practically begging

"Fine" I say not having the strength to tell him off any longer

He smiles from ear to ear embracing me in a hug and I instantly push him off and move back as I slowly get up

"I'm sorry, it's just.." I start but he cuts me off

"It's fine it's my fault, I shouldn't have" he says looking down

"Shall we ?" he said smiling again and I follow him outside the library

I wasn't dressed for going out and I probably looked like trash but I didn't really care at this point

We step out and I squint my eyes at the brightness of the sun as I take a deep breath enjoying the smell of the outdoors and savouring the feeling of the cool wind hiting my skin

Maybe this wasn't such a bad idea after all

I look over to Zack and I give him a smile as we begin to walk.


Hey guysssss so like I'm really sorry for not updating cause wattpad deleted the chapter so I had to write it again

Sooooo what do you guys think

Ship names??

Random question
Favourite movie???


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