Chapter 23

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Tiffany above

Nora's pov

"Austin" his name left my lips in a whisper, this man in front of me, my former mate, the man that has caused me an incredible amount of pain

"I need to be excused" I said as I walked away from them controlling my heart beat

I sit on an outside bench as I slowly breathe, Austin is here in my pack, he's really here

I play with my fingers and I just think, what was my plan, I left the pack on my dad's orders, I planned to get revenge on the pack of rouges that killed my parents, I planned to get my revenge on Austin by taking over his pack but where has all that gone

Since I met Rowan I have gone completely off course, I have forgotten everything, everything has changed, my main aim was general revenge and I had just forgotten it

I have become so overwhelmed my the sexual tention between Rowan and I that I had really gone off course

David and Amanda, I had completly forgotten them, I need to get my head straight and for that I need be away from Rowan, the less I'm around him the more my brain works

"Nora, the meeting is about to start" Seth called for me

"Thanks I'm coming" I told him and he went inside and shortly after I went in also

So apparently as the host luna I was meant to give a welcoming speech but I just found out 10 minutes ago so I'm moving to the front of the general conference room with prayers being thrown to the goddess to help me with this

I reach the front of the general conference room and turn to the people with a bright smile
"Thank you all so much for coming" I started loving how confident I sounded

"It is a great honor to me to be the host luna as this is my very first time attending this event so I just want to say thank you for coming and May the goddess watch over you" I finished as I walked away from the front of the general conference room , I think I went a little overboard with the goddess thing but I don't really care

"ma déesse" I suddenly heard someone's voice in my head

"Rowan get out of my head" I mindlinked back to him harsher that expected but I didn't bother to apologise and I blocked him out of my mind

I know I am being irrational but I just had to think and more Rowan talks to me the less my brain works

Minutes later the meeting has started,During the meeting I felt eyes on me the whole time. On one side Rowan was staring at me on the other side Austin was staring at me and don't forget the death glares luna Tiffany kept sending my way

Alpha kyros talks on and on about some treaty that I am obviously paying no attention to, I look at Rowan who is listening intently to what he's saying and it feels like there is an invisible force pulling me to him, I want to be near him, I want him to touch me and I want to touch him

I feel my eyes slowly turn black as want makes it way into my body and Rowan snaps his head to me his eyes getting darker the more he stares

The sexual tension so thick as we stare at each other that it suffocates me

"Please I need to be excused" I say while standing and walking out of the room when I am out I take a few slow breaths and I ask mella

"Mella, why do I crave Rowan so"

'because he's your mate' she replied in a matter of fact tone

"I know that but it's different, like it's more intense and it's painful to not be near him"

'it's the mark, you guys haven't completed the mating process so the mark is trying to push you to it, it's only going to get worse by the day until you finally mate'

Oh goddess why, I'm trying to keep my distance and now this

I walk back into the conference room and sit down for the rest of this boring meeting.

The meeting is over and I see alphas and lunas filing out and I look at Rowan as I see his eyes linger on a particular person which happens to be Tiffany, she walks up to him and they begin talking I was about to go over there when someone holds my wrist

"Nora can we talk" I look at the man that held me

"Sorry Austin we can't" I answer in a bored tone

"Please" he says his eyes pleading, those eyes that would have had me weak in the knees, they barely tug my heart

"okay" I answer walking outside as he follows me, I stop walking and I turned to him waiting

He just hugs me, Austin is hugging me, I really don't know what to do so I just awkwardly pat his back and he let's me go

"So you and Rowan are... Mates" he said his voice cracking a little

"yh so you mated Tiffany" I said not a question but he still nodded

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I waited for you, I searched for you, I swear I did but I was desperate and I needed a luna, please forgive me" he said in a pleading tone his voice thick with emotion

"I'm not upset, and you don't have to be sorry, we aren't mates so you don't owe me an explanation, remember you were the one that rejected me" I say plainly

"But..." he questions

"But what Austin" I cut him off getting angry

"You don't just walk in here with a sad story about looking for me, remember when you said that you don't want me, that you can't be seen with me, what about that huh" I say angrily clenching my fists as the memories came back

"You hurt me, you slept with other people after you found me, do you know what that's like" I yell shoving at his chest when he gets too close

"let's leave, let's leave together, we can start over, just us, please Nora I love you" Austin says coming very close and suddenly forcing my lips to his

I push him but he doesn't budge he just holds me tighter, this feels so wrong now I really push him and he lands on his but

"you're stronger that I thought, you would be a powerful luna and our pups will be so strong" he said looking at me with lust filled eyes

"Can you even hear yourself, listen to what you are saying, I have a mate and you do to" I shout angrily as I walk away and he grabs my wrist

"please Nora we are meant to be, we are true mates, please don't leave me" he says and I remove my wrist from his hand

"You should have thought about that before you rejected me" I say low but with anger and I walk away not sparing him a second glance

I keep getting an irritated feeling inside my stomach and I can't shake it off, I go to my room and the sight shown to me is one I would never forget

Soooooo that's a little cliffhanger right there what do you guys think she saw

So Austin wants her back and he sure is persist

What's up with Rowan and Tiffany

ma déesse - my goddess

No one:
Absolutely no one:

Me: So Alot of you guys have been asking about Seths mate but don't worry she's coming

Random question: thick or thin pizza crust


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