Chapter 15

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Nora's dress above

Nora's pov

What happened, I feel so tired but it's all a blur I remember looking at Rowan he was injured I remember Riker cowering away from me and I remember a feeling of immense power I remember feeling blank feeling no emotion at all

I carefully open my eye's and they easily adjust to the light seeing it wasn't that bright I look around and notice that I'm in Rowans room the image of him carrying me to his room makes me scrunched my nose in disgust

I don't know why but the thought of Rowan touching me irritates me what was a craving that changed to a desire is now a feeling of disgust

I get up from his bed realising that I now smell like him so with shaking legs I walked over to my room and took a long shower in cold water I felt different I felt like something inside of me has been awoken

After my shower I wore a pair of jean short shorts and a huge back shirt that covers my shorts

I felt like running so I went for a run just to stretch out and for mella to be free

After the run I went back home and made myself a bowl of cereal and was eating while watching tv then they all entered and I didn't regard any of them I acted like I didn't notice them

"Nora" I heard Rowan say and I looked at him completely emotionless he smiled brightly that smile that could have me falling barely tugged at my heart I still felt it the mate bond but it was faint like something was blocking it

He moved towards me and stretched an arm out to me I simply moved away and I saw hurt flash in his eyes he didn't even hide it

Then Riker came in and as he saw me he smiled from ear to ear and ran towards me he hugged me and lifted me up and I couldn't help but laugh I don't blame Riker for what happened he was just doing what his mate wanted but he's still my best friend

He puts me down and leaves me then he started scolding me

" how can you do that , why would you do that, I'm so angry at you , never try anything like that again you're grounded till you become the moon goddess "

" nooo that's too long , I'm sorry I'll never try anything like that again I swear " I say while pulling out the puppy dog eyes and he just laughs at me

" You guys I'm all sorry for what happened " I speak generally and Finn says

" forget it it's the past just please Nora don't do it again we were all so worried "

They all come to give me a group hug all except Rowan he just stares at me soon everyone left leaving only me and Rowan and I start going upstairs he holds my arm and said wait

I feel the sparks more than ever and it irritates me, the fact that he has this effect on me annoys the hell out of me

I rip my arm out of his grasp and move to my room ignoring the calls I was getting from him

I slam the door to my room in anger I still want him I still need him I still crave him

I feel like jumping off a bridge but that wouldn't be a good idea

I just lay down on my bed thinking of what to do now he actually wants me. I think about it while laying on my bed I have to accept him eventually but he's sure gonna go through hell before that

I get a mind link from Stephanie saying I have to attend a gathering this evening with Rowan and I don't even arguee I just say okay

I wore a long blue off shouldered gown with a slit reaching up my mid thigh the dress showing my curves and a teasing bit of cleavage

I matched it with a pair of silver strap heels and big silver earrings

I went down the stairs and sat down waiting for Rowan I felt his presence when he came down and noticed that he was staring at me all through he came behind me and touched my arm trailing his fingers up till he got to my neck and he left a small kiss on my neck it felt so good and the sparks were driving me crazy

Rowan started trailing kisses on my neck down and I abruptly stand up clearing my throat

"May we leave alpha " I say to him so formally and I see a flash of hurt in his eyes he just nods a yes


We arrive at the venue and we step in upon how huge the hall is it's full it's filled with alphas,betas and all sorts of high ranking werewolves

But there is one scent that smells all too familiar but different like it has been contaminated of sort but I just shrug it off

I don't fail to gear the growls Rowan gives to any male who spares me a second glance

Rowan leads me towards someone and he looks a little familiar but I can't place my finger on it

"Alpha shade " Rowan greets

Shade that sounds familiar and then it just comes together

"Owen" I gasp and screem he looks at me and says

"I'm sorry Nora "
"I couldn't stop them"
"I tried my best "
Owen rushes out

"It's okay Owen I don't blame you I know there's nothing you could have done to stop them " I say to him

"So you're alpha now how's that " I continue just to be interrupted by Rowan

"Sorry am I missing something " he asked and I growled lowly when I hear a hint of protectiveness in his voice

"I'll explain later " I say to Rowan emotionless

"Okay" he says

"So you finally got a mate huh " Owen said

"You were so excited to meet your mate you would go on and on about how handsome he would be and how he would be your first ..." Owen was cut short when I stepped on him hard with my heel

"Owwwww " Owen wines while glaring at me

I spend most of my time with Owen until we go back home I was told we have another ball to attend the following evening and I happily agreed to be there


We got back home after a silent car ride and I headed to my room as I was about to enter Rowan suddenly grabbed my arm and asked

"Who's Owen "

Well that'sthe chapter I know it's late and somehow short but please bear with me my next update will be soon but I don't know when .

Feel free to comment on what you like and don't like about the book

What do you think about Nora

What do you think about Rowan

Whodo you think Owen is and will you like to see more of him


Bori 🤗☺

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