Chapter 14

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Rowans pov

It's been almost a month now and she hasn't woken up the doctor said a week but now no one is sure if she will ever wake up the gang comes over alot to see how she's doing riker also comes over he cries most of the time and I have never left here at times I go to shower but that's it except that I don't leave her I always stay with her

I look at my mate when I sense something wrong I quickly move towards her and take her hand but I release it immediately her skin stings it burns me it's hot and painful I look down at my hand to see a burn mark healing , I mind linked the gang to come over immediately and to bring Riker and minutes later they arrived and riker brought his mate

"rowan what's wrong what happened" Seth asked sounding very worried

"it's Nora , I don't know what's wrong with her " I said generally

"what do you mean " Stephanie then asked

"I touched her and her skin was hot"
I said back

"and so what, is that the emergency we gathered for she just has a fever big deal " rikers mate spoke in an irritated tone and I angrily growled and her

"as I was saying her skin is hot like when I touched her it burnt me " I said again

Janet moved towards Nora and touched her and she hissed in pain

"fuck he's right " Janet spoke clearly still in pain

"oh please she'll be fine " rikers mate spoke again what's her name Clarissa no Vanessa that's it

"look Vanessa nobody asked you to come here so you're free to leave " katelyn said obviously frustrated

Vanessa just shrugged and I am getting honestly irritated by this girl and I give riker a warning look and he says

" sorry please Vanessa and I need to be excused " he grabbed Vanessa and they walk out

Everyone gets occupied in talking and I glance at Nora and I swear I saw her move I was probably just imagining then I glance at her again just to see her body shaking okay I'm not imagining I say

"Ummm..... guys "

"It's unusually hot today almost burning " Seth said complain ignoring me

" guys " I repeat

" Yeah I noticed weird " Stephanie said dismissing me

"YOU GUYS " I say shouting this time

" What " they all snapped at me

" something's going on with Nora " they all looked at her

"I've sent for the doctor " fin said after a moment of mindlinking

" Rowan you're her mate so maybe she'll react to your touch " Janet spoke

So I walked towards her and I held her hand I ignored the burning in my hand and after a while she stopped shaking

"See all better " Ryan said

I got up and suddenly Nora opens her eyes and stood up with lighting speed but her eyes weren't the usual loving warm brown eyes I was use to no they were an emotionaless set of grey

"Oh shit Rowan get away from her " Janet said

"Why she's my mate " I said again taking a step closer to my Angel

Nora tilted her head to the side and stared at all of us intensely like she's thinking deeply

"Step away from her Rowan " Stephanie said again bit I ignored her and stepped closer

"Nora it's me Rowan " I spoke to her

Nora was now staring at me deeply and I can't help but feel intimidated by her she was radiating with power and her eyes were shining all in all she looked beautiful, like a queen I reached out touch her

"Dammit Rowan don't touch her" katelyn spoke now the boys were all confused but the girls seemed to know what they were doing

I was about to step back then I heard Nora speak

" Rowan, my mate " her voice was deeper and held power it made me shiver

"No no no Rowan don't listen to her please come back " Stephanie pleaded with me I tried to listen but something was pulling me towards Nora

" You guys beg him to come back this girl will kill your alpha " Janet spoke and all the boys said

"What "

"No time to explain just get him away from her and don't touch her the only person that can possibly calm her down is Riker, Rowan has hurt her so she dosent care if he's her mate she will kill him " katelyn said rushed and everyone begged me to come back but there was just something that didn't let me step away from Nora

Nora gave a smirk a dangerous one to be honest but I just couldn't step away from her

I got to her and I reached out to  touch her but she caught my hand and shook her head she growled

Black was in her eyes now her eyes were the perfect mix of black and grey she digs her nails into my hand and blood immediately comes out

I hiss in pain and I try to pull her off me , the sky has become black with thunder

She picks me up and throws me by my arm I hit the wall hard she walks towards me and punches me in the face and she broke my nose causing blood to come out , she kicks me multiple times and I'm sure a few ribs are broken

My friends try to help but I say no , I don't want them getting hurt because of me I didn't hit her back I can't hit her back she didnt even give me a chance to breathe then she left me suddenly and looked back at me her eyes showing little hints of brown and she looks confused then riker walks in with Vanessa

As he sets his eyes on her he rushes to her and hugs her tight she growls the brown in her eyes changing to black she pushes riker away and grabs him by the neck squeezing tight

Riker is trying his best to push her off then suddenly Vanessa punches Nora hard Nora slammed riker to the floor and looks at Vanessa nora's eyes now all black

Vanessa runs but Nora is way faster and she blocks the door before she could get there Nora gives a small smile that smile that can have the devil begging for forgiveness she grabs Vanessa by the throat squeezing and digging her nails into it

"Please leave her alone, don't kill her please I beg of you " riker begs Nora with tears coming down his eyes Nora drops her and steps back shaking her head she keeps shaking her head and moving backwards until she hits the edge of her sick bed her eyes now fully brown

She reaches out to riker but he whimpers and moves away she then looks at me and realisation hits her on what she had done

"I... did ......." she tried to speak before fainting

" no no shit not again " I say crawling towards her

"someone call  a doctor " I say again

Ryan tried to touch me and I growled
"Are you okay "

"I'm fine but someone please call a doctor "

Minutes later a doctor came in and examined her he also helped me Riker and Vanessa

"She's all good you can take her home now she's just tired " the doctor said referring to Nora and I nodded
We're back at home and I lay Nora on my bed I look at her and she looks peaceful I lay down next to her I wrapped one arm around her waist and put one on her leg

And we slept in peace forgetting the worries of the day .

Sooooo there it is my wonderful reader's the long awaited update yeah Vanessa is a bitch please let me know if you want me to change that or anything else.

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Bori 😚😏

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