Chapter 15: Daffodils

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Rosette laid on Jake's bed, watching him sketch on his table across the room.

"When can I see it?" she asked, running her hand through the strands of her hair.

"When I'm happy with it. It's not that great and I'm always embarrassed by the first sketch."

"What is it of?"

"A white rose." He peaked up at her, her eyes kept fluttering in sleep.

"You can get into something more comfortable if you want, and get under the blanket, you know if you're not needed at home," he said. Rosette yawned.

"My mom would prefer I was out, anyway. Do you have anything I can change into?" Jake looked up, placed his sketch book down and went to his closet.

"I have some a shirt that might be long on you, maybe you can try some baggy sweatpants too," he said in a questioning tone. "I don't have any sweatpants that might fit you."

"That's fine."

He handed her a white shirt and she went to the bathroom connected to his room. She looked into the mirror to find her hair in a mess and turned around from her reflection. Quickly changing from the blue dress into the shirt, she went back to his room to find him on the bed sketching.

"Is this fine?" he asked, referring to himself in the bed.

"Yeah, it's fine," she said walking up to him and getting under the blanket. "Why do you love painting and drawing so much?"

"I don't know. I think I just like to focus on something other than myself, I guess." Rosette inches closer to him and finally saw the drawing. It was of a black and white rose.

"You make such a simple thing so beautiful," she said, her soft exhale going over his neck, making him hold down a shiver.

"I'm glad you like it, wasn't ready for you to see it, but okay." He laughed.

They lie on the bed for awhile, him sketching his next painting and her watching him and thinking. In her tiredness she does not speak. The silence is comfortable and calm, and soon Rosette is sleeping with her head on his shoulder.

Jake looks over at her, looking at the way her lashes curled so perfectly and so poetically. He thought that if he was a poet, she'd make for such easy inspiration. He wouldn't need to look far to write a good poem.

He filled over the page of his sketch book to fresh one, and as he thought about her lashes and what must be going on through her head he began to draw.


Jake put his sketch book quietly on the bedside table and laid his head overtop of Rosette's. He felt his heart beat so fast he laid so close to her, finally soaking in her presence. He listened to the silence and for once felt calm, he wanted to test it out, and murmured the words of the poem "Daffodils" into her hair, before feeling her stir and quieting. His heartbeat now beating faster out of freight of being caught. He smiled at his foolishness and brought the blankets closer around their bodies before going to sleep.

In the morning, Rosette woke up so a bright and quiet morning. She felt Jake's body molded around her body, and the warmth feeling so good. Sometime during the night they must've moved. She looked down at the shirt he gave her to wear and smiled. Then the thought of her mother interrupted her thoughts and she jumped up in alarm, making Jake groan at the sudden movement.

"What the hell?" he said groggily and he looked at her stood over him.

"My mom!"

"Babe, lay down. You said the night was ours."

Rosette turned scarlet from embarrassment as she remember that her mother knew she was in Olivia's house.

"Sorry. Forgot."

"Silly girl. Come here," he said as he held the blanket open for her.

"It's the morning. I don't want to sleep," she insisted.

"Fine, I'll get us some breakfast and we'll eat in bed today."

"I like that idea," she said, and as he left she went to his bathroom, locking the door behind her.

As Rosette looked at the dark circles under her eyes and her messy bed head, she wondered how Jake was attracted to her. She let out a sigh, before beginning to brush her teeth, and that's when she heard a door slam open.

"Dad!" Rosette heard Olivia's voice day outside of the bathroom. Then a knock came from the bathroom door. "Dad? The shower head isn't working again." Rosette stared at the floor wide eyed. "Are you in here?"

Rosette watched the door handle move with the sound of her heart beating in her ears.

"Dad!" Rosette beard the voice quieten down as if it left the room. She let out a sigh and stayed in complete silence for another minute before finishing getting ready.

Then she waited inside, not wanting to risk anything until Jake came back.


This chapter took a lot for me to write. I've gotten into my first real relationship awhile ago and now I've broken up with him. It was ultimately the best thing for me to do because we never were right for each other, but I really hoped we could. I'm still a little heartbroken. I just wish he cared about me the way I cared about him.

This chapter is dedicated to the poem "Daffodils" again. Please read it and tell me what you think, it's a great poem that so love dearly.

Also, how have you been? How has quarantine been?(Mine has made my depression worsen so much, but I'm also now facing the issues so I guess it's helpful)

Also, this chapter hasn't been edited so if you find mistakes let me know and I'll fix them up, my little typo police.

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