Chapter 12: The Smile

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Their heavy breathing, sensual kisses were the only thing audible as they laid on Jake's bed with Jake over Rosette.

After eating and talking for hours they sat to watch a movie in the living room where they got carried away with each other's lips so they decided to ditch the movie. So now they found themselves on the bed with Jake's body over Rosette's as he kisses her lips and caresses her body.

"I'm not ready to go all the way," she whispered.

"That's okay, just let me kiss those lips, we won't go any further," he mumbled.

"I'd like that," she giggled as she pecked his lips, and he moved his head down to place her lips back on his, a smile tingling on both their lips.

"My God, you take my breath away," he says against her lips, so far gone that he's not thinking about the things he's saying.

They were both pressed so close against each other, and held so tight in each other's arms that they almost didn't notice Olivia opening the front door. Fortunately, she always slams the door shut and yells she's home so Jake jumps up and hurried to lock his bedroom door, feeling much like a teenager caught having sex.

Rosette was speechless, trying to keep down her panting as she sat up on the bed. Her hair was a mess that Jake thought looked adorable on her and her lips were a natural bright red and swollen that looked so seductive.

"Dad, I'm home!" Olivia's voice was right outside his door.

"I'll be out in a second, honey. I'm trying to get some work done," he says.

Rosette was starting to fumble with her fingers, feeling incredibly guilty. Jake watched her fingers.

"Okay, I'll be in the kitchen," she called out, a habit of hers to go snack on something right after coming back home.

Jake came to the bed as he heard his daughter's footsteps going down the stairs. "Darling, do you need to be home at a certain time?"

"No, I can be out as long as I want," Rose whispered, feeling a little distracted.

"Can you please stay here whilst I deal with Olivia? She usually heads to bed early after she comes back from tennis practice." Rosette didn't want to be left alone, but she nodded anyway feeling like she deserved to feel this guilty.

"Okay, beautiful. Hang out here, you can snoop around if you want but don't go through my underwear drawers," Jake said able to make Rosette smile, but still she felt like she didn't deserve to feel happy at the moment.

Jake sensed something was wrong, and he left with doubt, but his mind put his daughter back to the forefront as he went to the kitchen.

His heart sank when he saw that he left the dinner and candles out. The lights weren't dimmed anymore. He looked up to find Olivia leaning against the counter looking at her dad with a hidden smile.

"Are you dating again?" she asked. Jake didn't know how to answer it so he did the next best thing, dodge it.

"Weren't you supposed to stay over at a friend's house?"

"Yeah, but she was sick so a friend dropped me off, unimportant. Now tell me, was a girl here?" Olivia smirked.

He couldn't find any way to say no, so confessed. "Yes-"

"Wait! is she upstairs?" Olivia asked, her voice hushing towards the end.

"No one is upstairs. We just had dinner that's it, don't get your hopes up, kid," he said, starting to take the plates to the sink.

"What's her name?"

"If it goes any further, I'll tell you," he said as he to clear off the rest of the table, Olivia meanwhile leaning against the counter eating a bag of chips.

"Do you think it'll go any further?" she asked.

Jake thought about it as he closed a drawer, his back towards Olivia. There was not one part of him that doubted what he had with Rosette would develop further, but he knew that wasn't what he should say.

"I don't think so..." he turned to her.

"I don't believe you. You haven't dated since you've had me and suddenly there's a girl, and you just seem lighter somehow, like you're not constantly only thinking about work. So don't lie to me."

"You know, you really should consider being a detective. You have the true Sherlock knack for it."

"So I was right!" she squealed.

"I honestly don't know, honey," he said, but when he saw Olivia quirk an eyebrow, he rolled just his eyes. "Do you want dinner?"

"No, tennis practice wore me out. Can't eat Lays chips all week and expect to be an athlete by the weekend so I'm content with this chips bag. I'll go shower and sleep. Good night, can't wait to hear about that girl by next week!" she called as she walked out, making Jake smile, if only she knew.

Thankfully, Olivia's room was on the other end of the house from Jake's, where Rosette was. Rosette hadn't moved from the bed, she sat with her face in her hands trying to calm her racing heart.

She felt so guilty thinking about Olivia must think Rosette spent the day at her house but her she was making out with her best friend's father. She felt like a hypocrite because she knew if the tables were turned she'd feel hurt.

She heard someone's feet coming up the stairs, thud after thud getting louder, getting closer. Then she heard Jake whisper for her to open the door. She hurried over and turned the key, watching as Jake shuffled in and locked the door again.

He looked into her eyes and knew she was distressed, he figured why.

"Don't be so worried," he whispered, pulling her hands gently so they can sit in on his bed. "We're not doing anything innately wrong."

"Yeah, but what about morally? I don't like feeling like this," she said, feeling her body start itch from the guilt. She felt guiltier than Jake, that was obvious. "Why aren't you guilty?"

"I am, but I see it is this; legally we're safe, innately we're not doing anything bad, anything else people can learn to be okay with. I love Olivia, and family to me is the most important thing in the world, but in a twisted I know this is what Olivia has always wanted for me. She has always wanted me to find love and be happy with someone. I don't see myself having that with anyone else."


I hope you're all being safe. I'm planning on posting more often now that we all have more free time and I hope to encourage my readers to stay at home. The coronavirus is really kicking us in the butt, and I'm fortunate that I don't live in a country with high death rates so I want to help out the tiny bit that I can. It's a dire situation but I think we should all try to stay optimistic. Please stay safe.

Let me know what you thought of this chapter!

Any predictions you might have?

Also how're you dealing with all this news? We can chat about stuff frankly because we're all probably feeling the same things.

Please do vote and comment, it helps encourage me to write more chapters!

The poem of this chapter is The Smile by William Blake.

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