Chapter 7: Poetry

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A week has passed, Olivia and Rosette are deciding on their first day outfits in Olivia's room.

"I wish you brought more options but I guess that white dress looks fine, suits your personality," Olivia said.

"In what way?" Rosette said as she laid back on Olivia's bed, looking at the cabinet of family photos of all their travels—since Jake was a photographer amongst all his other assets and took Olivia with him on all his expeditions—through the open door.

"You're kind and innocent, and somewhat childlike."

"No, I'm not."

"Say what you want but I know you better than anyone else, you're a child."

"Olivia, can you stop saying that? I was hoping you were gonna say passionate, you know since Emily Dickinson thought white equaled passion. That's why I like white, not for the whole innocence thing, I just like to think of myself as passionate, nothing wrong with that is there? anything wrong with it, I mean."

"No, except if you want the male population to have all those dirty thoughts of tying you up." Olivia laughed as a pillow was thrown at her.

"You're far too dirty for me, Olivia. You're an awful influence, you know that," Rosette teased.

"No, I'm not, that's as dirty as I get. And besides it's the quiet ones that're dirty, and honey, the best adjective for you is quiet."

"Hey, don't stereotype me. I'm quiet for other reasons," Rosette said, picking at her nails.

"Like," Olivia coaxed.

"I don't wanna get into it."

"Fine," Olivia mumbled, a slight annoyed look on her face. "I wish you'd open up more to me. I tell you everything but you've never told me any of your crushes or sexual fantasies."

"I'll tell you one of my fantasies." Olivia stopped looking through her clothes and turned around with an arched brow. "I like cuddles."

Rosette giggles as the pillow that was thrown a moment ago was thrown back at her.

"You're annoying," Olivia said.

"I'm aware," Rosette giggled. "You get to see Tyler tomorrow. You excited?"

"Oh my God, yes! He's so damn attractive, like if nothing happens he's at least good eye candy. I hope he's in my math class. I can't stand not having something good to ease the pain of those boring ass lessons."

Rosette giggles and they spend the rest of their night like this until Rosette gasps at the time on her phone and they both quickly get ready for bed and Olivia gets on her bed and Rosette goes to the mattress set out for her, she cuddles beneath the sheets with an extra pillow given to her.

Rosette is smiling but something in her feels apprehensive. She can't get over it but soon she's asleep.

Jake is still awake in his own room, feeling incredibly lonely— not a physical loneliness but the kind that fills his porous skin with blackness. It's a loneliness where he knows what he could have but knows he can't have it so the feeling gets amplified.

He wonders is Rosette is thinking of him the way he can't stop thinking of her. He remembers how they are dinner with Olivia that night, last week. It was beyond awkward, but he was trying, a lot better than Rosette was. And since the kiss they haven't been alone together.

Soon, as he twists and turns in his bed, he falls asleep, into a dream that his waking self wouldn't allow. And in it he's kissing and touching the one female he can't stop thinking of, not sexually but sweetly, where hands and lips are just trying to get to the soul within and not to the body beneath the clothes. This dream embodies the one thing he knows he can't ever allow himself to have. Rosette could never be his, and that, he knows, is what'll break him—unless things change.


This was the first difficult chapter to write, I don't know why. I think it was because I took a lot of breaks during writing this, it's just that school has been working me harder than I'm used to. It's my final year and I've been so lethargic lately—which is something I'm trying to veer off of but no matter what I do I'm always so lazy. Anyways I hope you're ready for when school begins in the story, because now things will get to work. And also don't think I forgot the kiss, that part of the story is about to get a lot more heated.

This chapter's poem is called Poetry.(also poetry will start getting into the story more, so know that these aren't meaningless additions)

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