Chapter 10: On Love

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Rosette was in English class, reading a poem and thinking of Jake. It was hard to calm her heartbeat when she thought of the date he alluded to. She still wasn't sure if it was going to happen, he never did say when.

Olivia was sat in the front row, since she wanted to be closer to Tyler, and Rosette day in the back to not be noticed by the teacher. Rosette could clearly see the connection that kept growing between Olivia and Tyler, still she felt apprehensive by it. Olivia wasn't the bad girl type that Tyler seemed to like, and she's never been with a guy before whilst Tyler was known to have been with many girls. It's obvious to see he did like her but it didn't feel like it was right for Olivia. Rosette kept quite though, she didn't know how to explain herself right, she barely knew why she felt the way she did.

She looked back at the poem, and read over and over, thinking of Jake the whole time. He seemed like a the kind of person the poet was talking about. Someone so easy to love, yet so hard to be with. It felt like he was a dream she will never have, but it keeps seeming more realistic.

Soon the class was over and Olivia was slow in standing up, Tyler stopped her from walking away though. Rosette could hear glimpses of the conversation.

"So Friday night, I've been wanting to ask you if you wanted to go somewhere. Just us," he asked, leaning his arm against the table in a very sly manner, but Rosette has to admit, he did look very attractive.

"Oh, um. I'll think about it," Olivia said, her voice not giving away any nerves that Rosette was sure she had.

Then Jake left, a smile on his face as he said he'll be waiting for her answer. Then Olivia turned to Rosette, and squealed.

"Did you see that? I know he liked me! Oh my God, I have to figure out what I'll wear."

"Your dad will never let you go with Tyler. He has a reputation with these kinds of things."

"I don't care. I've been waiting for too long to let Dad ruin this for me. Come after school with me, I need to figure out what I'll wear."

"Fine. All I'm saying is it might not be the greatest idea."

• • •

It was ten thirty at night when she was finally alone with Jake again. This time she wasn't crying but rather reading and he came in to get something from the kitchen.

"Hey, Rose," he said, his deep voice causing a shiver to go down her back.

"Hi," she said, her voice soft and delicate.

"What're you reading?"

"This poem for English. I can't seem to get it out of my head."

He then came to sit next to her, with a glass of water in his hand . He placed on the coffee table and leaned towards her, his heartbeat speeding up at being so close to her. Her long, soft hair and her features and her smaller body all made him think about how nice it'd feel to hold her to him, not in a sexual way. He always made sure to stop any sexual desires he felt for her before they got out of control, he couldn't want her in that way, even if she was of age. It was a boundary he wasn't ready to cross. But still he couldn't stop thinking about how nice it would feel to fall asleep, with her in his arms and to kiss down the curve of her neck then place a special kiss to where her neck met her shoulder. He just wanted to be close to her.

As he thought all of those things he read the poem in his mind. Somehow it felt like she was letting him into something special, by reading this poem next to her. It was clear they both thought of the same thing, their forbidden love.


Love when you're sixteen sucks, it only comes in the form of a crush and you never really get to know the other person the way you want to. I've had a small crush on a guy for a few months, I've never talked to him but a few days ago I did and now I'm like, damn, he's perfect. He's such a deep thinker and he's funny and I want to die because it literally feels like this story. I shouldn't like him, but damn I do.

This chapter's poem is written by Khalil Gibran.(one that's very fitting for what I want with this guy)

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