Chapter 6: The Red Wheelbarrow

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"So what movie do you want to watch?"

"Anything, I don't mind," she said.

"Alright, I'll just pick something from our dvd's." And he went, to the tall statue of rotating books of cd's.

She sat watching him pick and tried to stabilize her breathing, but it was growing difficult. I'll cry later, it's not the time now, he'll think I'm a child, she thought, as we all do when we're trying to prove something when we're at our lowest. She looks at him holding three movies.

"Which one?" he asks turning towards her.

"The first."

She watched him as he placed the cd in, forcing her thoughts to stay solely on her environment and not what might be happening at home. Jake comes back to sit next to her, taking the bowl of popcorn and placing it in between them.

"Have you seen this movie before?" she asked.

"No, I've been meaning to watch it though."

They're silent for a moment as the movie began, Rosette picked up piece by piece of the popcorn to eat and Jake watched her from his peripheral vision with a smile, she makes the most mundane things unique, he thinks before forcing himself to focus on the movie.

Rosette sits picking at the popcorn with her knees to her chest wishing that the circumstance didn't make her look so pathetic. She didn't like that Jake probably thought the lowest of her.

A ring sounded from the kitchen, "pizza's done," Jake called, and left to get it.

Once back he placed it on the table in front of them. Neither of them moved to get one for awhile, just watching the movie and each other from their peripheral vision.

"You know what I like, Rose," he said.


"I like how I can talk to you about books but we haven't really gotten to know each other any better."

"Oh," Rosette said, getting nervous. "What do you want to know better about me?"

The movie was now ignored as Jake fully turned towards her and she just fumbled with the corner of a pillow.

"What do you want to do after high school?" he asked.

"I'll probably be a teacher, I want to help kids. It feels like all teachers aren't understanding but I want to be better than them," she said, before regretting haven't told more than enough.

"You'll be an amazing teacher, Rose. I can see you there in front of a classroom being so sweet to those assholes. They'll be lucky to have someone like you teach them." She laughed making him smile.

"Did you always want to be an artist?"

"I don't know, I don't like to think of myself as an artist, it's too big of a title. I sort of just live and my kind of living means that I draw and paint a lot and when I finish a painting and I think it's worth selling then I sell it, but I don't like to think of it as my job."

"But how can you afford all of this then?" she asked before realizing it could be rude. "Sorry, you don't have to answer that."

"No, no I don't mind. When my dad passed away a few years ago he left all of his money to me, his only son. And besides I have other means of income, I sell my photography, I've written a fiction novel which I get royals on and whenever I make something I try to sell it. It's just how I like to live, it's not functional but I'm lucky that I can do it."

"But what did you do before this?"

"I fixed computers."

"Oh okay," she said, still surprised by all she just learned about him.

"Why do you like to read so much?" he asked.

She hesitated but she knew she wanted to tell him. "It helps me escape."

They were silent for a moment. "From what exactly?"

"Everything. I can't really escape my dad though, when he yells the whole house feels like it's shaking, but it helps still to try to have some other world to see myself in."

"I'm sorry, Rose. I wish things were different for you. I wish I could help but anything I would do wouldn't-"

"You do a lot already. You've helped give me another place to go to, and that's all I can ask for so thank you."

He smiled, wishing to say 'you're welcome' but it felt wrong. He felt like it wasn't enough, he needed to help her even more, he couldn't understand this need but it ran a lot deeper than him just wanting to be nice, he was sure.

"You're really brave, Rose."

"I'm not. It's just my circumstances making me seem that way."

"You've told yourself that, but from all that I know, I'm sure in the fact that you're brave. The way you handle life, the things you've been through and the way you stick up for the people you love. You're really brave," he said, moving closer towards her ever so slightly.

"Thank you," she said, subconsciously moving closer to him.

She looked into his eyes for a moment, looking at the depth his brown eyes allowed. She felt herself captured by them, and she allowed herself to be. Jake wasn't any different, he was looking into her brown eyes the exact same way but he felt like he could see her undying love of life within them and he felt so captivated by all that she was.

Rosette was the one who closed the space and pressed her lips to his. Jake didn't pull away. He felt her move her lips gently against his, and all thought of reality dispersed. It was just him and her in this moment, their positions in each other's life were neglected, for the moment they were just two people wanting more of the other.

When he felt her small hand land on his cheek he had to stifle a moan, he began to react then to her advances. Pressing his lips even more to her own. He loved the feeling of having her hand on him and decided to pull her closer. His arms encaging her and gently pulling her closer, until her whole body was pressed to his. He didn't want to take it any further, this wasn't about any carnal desire, he just wanted her, to take care of and to talk to and to love.

"Dad, I'm home!" And they split apart.


I'm so sorry for this late chapter, a lot was happening with school starting and my whole mood just sort of fell, all I've been doing for the past week is lay in my bed trying to get my head in order. I'm sorry for not providing though, I made a promise and I feel terrible for having to reschedule to the next day. I do hope you liked this though. They kissed!

What did you think of them kissing?

What do you think will happen next?

Also, tomorrow is my first day of my final year! When does yours start and which year are you going into?

This chapter's poem is by William Carlos Williams. Tell me your thoughts on it!

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