Chapter 10 (Epilouge)

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Momo's twenties were unlike many people's young adult beginnings. Adopting her son and getting married right after highschool came as a shock to many. Yaoyorozu Momo, that really put together rich girl? Many believed she'd put her career on the shelf while she got Itsuki's life with her and her husband together. This was far from the truth.

Creati was a huge success, having worked at many Hero agencies doing field work and missions before settling in and being able to create her own agency with her own sidekicks! She'd even begun apprenticing and interning several students of her previous school. As an alumni of UA she was more than pleased to further their educations, after all.

Katsuki and her were #2 and #4 hero respectively. He certainly got her beat when it came to applicable hero work, and he was definitely popular with fans giving him that extra boost. But they were both within the top 5 and couldn't be prouder of each other.

Many people questioned Katsuki's decision to leave Best Jeanist's hero agency in order to join Creati's. After all, he was the higher ranking hero, wasn't he? Didn't matter. He knew Momo was extremely capable and that he and plenty of other heroes would be in good hands with her in charge.

Besides, this gave the young couple excuses to be near each other and to spend more time with each other on a day to day basis. Their classmates, after their initial getting together, had been overjoyed and thrilled with the development only to find that the two were lovey dovey and saccharine sweet. Not that any of them minded too much, as the two of them had immense self control when they needed to.

Upon first graduating, the two had managed to enlist Aizawa's help in advocating their official and permanent adoption of Itsuki. The offices had never found his birth family and no one had ever come looking for the young boy. Thus, his only other option was foster care, and Momo and Katsuki were not about to let the young boy ever go through that.

They continued helping him further his education and train his newly developing quirk. They found out that it was a booster quirk, which made him excellent for support. Not that they'd ever encourage bringing the boy on the battlefield, but his young dream of becoming a hero hadn't quite dampened... If anything, having two parents in the Top Ten only made one want to be a better hero.

Itsuki was overjoyed when his parents announced they were getting married for real and that they were going to be a family forever. He'd never wanted to think about any other possibilities, and he was so glad he'd never have to face that. Katsuki and Momo couldn't help but let tears of their own out as the young boy sobbed with happiness at the aspect of officially taking the Bakugou-Yaoyorozu names. The three cried together at the prospect of finally being an official family after carrying on so long the way they had been.

Being married with a seven year old child right out of high school was difficult, needless to say. Katsuki and Momo had much help from both sides of their family; the Yaoyorozu's making sure they'd never have to scrape by, at least. They'd been somewhat cautious about the young child originally but quickly warmed to the prospect of having a grandson.

Katsuki's own parents were thrilled with the announcement of the relationship and the marriage. Hanae and Mitsuki quickly became best of friends, closer than Katsuki had even imagined possible. As if they were meant to be in-laws by fate or destiny or whatever it was.

They waited until they were 23 to try for their second child. Itsuki was 11, about to turn 12 by that point and was already vastly more mature and educated than when they first encountered him. He was a great help throughout Momo's pregnancy and buzzed with excitement whenever his new little brother or sister got mentioned.

Little Mirai was born and the young Bakugou-Yaoyorozu's never felt more blessed. Katsuki had fallen in love a third time - once after meeting Itsuki and after realizing his feelings for his wife - as he stared into the soft blue eyes of his baby. They were bound to shift into a light brown color as she grew out of being newborn, but she had a shock of light blonde hair. He and his friends were certain her first word would be "fuck". There was a bet pool going around too...

Despite certain worries about her... father's particular use of language, she was a perfect little baby and Itsuki was a god send. Momo didn't think they needed more than two, and Katsuki couldn't agree with his wife more. Itsuki would come home from school and relinquish all of Momo's motherly duties onto himself until his father got home from evening patrols.

Hero maternal leaves were an intensive occasion and Momo found herself itching for the action again. She went right back into office work in managing her agency, and it was rather amusing watching Yaoyorozu Momo walking about the office barking orders with a baby sling across her front and a blonde baby girl babbling incoherently, as if to mimic her mother.

Katsuki's relationship with Midoriya got even better, and Uncle Deku and Uncle Eiji had very strong presences in the lives of both children. With Midoriya teaching at UA now, he informed them that the school was keeping a very firm eye on Itsuki's progress and felt confident that the boy could get in on recommendation, just like his mother. He'd even confided in Katsuki that he felt Itsuki could possibly be a good apprentice and successor for One for All some day with the immense amount of control the young boy was able to obtain over his quirk. And while this made the two young parents somewhat nervous, they knew not to worry.

Katsuki and Momo had very different ideas of what a family could be, when they were younger. What a family was supposed to be. But, now, cuddled up on the couch with his beautiful wife wrapped in one arm, an energetic, bright almost middle school son on the other arm, and their little girl across their laps... this is what family was. This was home.

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