Chapter 4

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Those other people had all gotten home already by the time Itsuki and his new mama and papa made their way back to the dorms. Itsuki was pretty tuckered out but hungry again. The three of them had gotten lunch at the food court in the mall where Itsuki had been introduced to the concept of a pretzel dog. It was clear that there was no going back for the little tyke.

However, that had been hours ago and Itsuki, being a growing boy, was already hungry. But... he didn't tell Momo and Katsuki. He wasn't allowed to say when he was hungry before... maybe he could now? He recalled several times he had asked Victor for food. Wincing, Itsuki recalled how well that had gone... He didn't want to risk ruining things here, especially not just after a single day. He felt a little selfish, but he didn't want to give up this new life he found himself thrust into.

The three of them were putting half of Itsuki's stuff in Momo's room and the other half in Katsuki's, the loudest of the three quickly relenting on his part in the arrangement. Itsuki looked up from sorting his new toys in what they called a "toy box" near Momo's dresser. His new caretakers were so kind.

Mama was gentle and loving... she was very patient with him and was teaching him all sorts of new things. She was so pretty, too. Papa... was loud and aggressive. But not with him or Momo. Itsuki felt like he would be safe and protected with someone like him around. He was so cool! Itsuki hoped he could be like that, one day.

Maybe it will be okay... if I just ask...

He put an All Might figure away before turning to them and saying, with a twinge of nervousness, "Are we allowed to eat again today?"

The two of them, adults in Itsuki's young mind, looked to him and appeared to realize something. "Oh dear!" Momo cried. "I'm so sorry, Itsuki! It's already this late... Let's go whip up something quick for dinner," and she led Itsuki downstairs by the hand.

Katsuki prowled after them, seeming irritated he forgot about dinner too. Itsuki didn't know why they were so worried. He was just curious, after all. He didn't quite understand the rules of this new place yet. He would have had no qualms with getting breakfast and lunch with no dinner. Even that was more than those scary guys ever gave him.

The small boy didn't understand why his new mama and papa seemed upset with themselves and not him . He felt like these two could do nothing wrong. They introduced themselves as his heroes; and that's what they would be, he had decided rather quickly.

He trotted along after them, hoping to help. Hoping to repay the huge amounts of favors he felt was being done for him. Katsuki was chopping vegetables, swift and precise. Momo was simmering something in a pan, a mild yet spicy aroma beginning to waft from it. He stood by them, not knowing what to do.

Momo noticed him and smiled, making him feel good and safe. "Itsuki," she called him, "if you want to help, you can grab your step stool we got you and wash some of the vegetables Bakugou is chopping?"

Itsuki brightened. He could help!

"Okay, mama!" he raced over to his stool and dragged it towards the sink next to his papa. He climbed up and looked to his male caretaker. "Which ones do you want me to do, papa?"

Little Itsuki ( A Bakumomo fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now