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Please do not expect too much of this guideline, since, well....

My dad will be taking away my phone from Monday to Friday, so I can only update on Sat and Sun. Probably lots of updates, though, so don't worry.

Unfortunately, I have to spend my Friday night reading crappy Fanfics to find something to write about.

I don't know, I'll probably even write another fanfic next year.

Anyway, next year I'll be entering Secondary School, and I need to study hard to maintain my straight A's, since our government insist on us thirteen years old to study stupid maths that my sister failed to teach me (I couldn't understand a thing since she wasn't that strong on math.).

So, yes, I'm gonna be thirteen on June 14th 2015, yay! My death will be earlier!

On test for sixth graders in my country, UPSR, I got straight A's and I will hopefully join my sister in her elite school for smart jerks.

Is it a shocker that I'm 12?

So, I have to study a whole new level of maths or I will die or probably will never see my phone again.

In case you were wondering(which you probably weren't), my sister will turn fifteen on the ninth of Feb, and she is the sorta famous 5SOS fanfic writer, MyLittlePenguin. We are so different -_-.

Anyways, I probably won't update everyday, though, next year, but hopefully I can update in the rare occurance of free time.



Enjoy the cuteness of Dan.

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