Out Of Character Characters

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Athena's Toga, this ticks me off so much.

First of all;

Piper is not your stereotypical cheerleader.

She does not shriek OTP or Muh feels. She isn't a fangirl.

Piper rarely uses charmpspeak on her friends if she could help it. So don't assume she abuses this talent.

Remember; Piper is not the girl that wears dresses and makeup.


Perseus Jackson is not that stupid.

Sure, he's dense and oblivious and not as smart as Annabeth, but he understands things, alright?

Percy is actually pretty deep since his 'inspirational speeches' are quite meaningful. Like the one he gave to Frank at Alaska.

Percy's eyes are sea green for gods' sake, and not blue. What the heck have you been reading?

And then....

Annabeth is not a clingy bitch.

Nor does she likes to be called Beth or Anna. She does not wear makeup.

Annabeth does not kill or injure people who likes her boyfriend *cough* percico fanfics *cough*.

Annabeth does not use iPads or Tablets. Actually, no demigod does.

Next one...

Leo is not muscular or hot.

The maenads said he was short and scrawny, but cute. He's 5"6, that's not tall for a dude, I think.

Leo is not short for Leonardo, Leona, leopenguin or any other leoblablabla. It's just Leo. L. E. O. U not kno haw too spell?

Leo doesn't always wears suspenders. Just because Aphrodite made him wear one on his first quest doesn't mean he would wear it always.

Okay... Hazel isn't helpless.

She can fight, okay. She doesn't rely much on people. I mean, cmon, she's 70. Okay, she stopped aging when she died but continued after she was saved. Silly me.

Hazel isn't innocent. At least, not that innocent. Sure, she doesn't curse that much, but remember when she mentioned she got a mouthful of soap for saying 'shit'? If you are a demigod, you surely must know.

Hazel doesn't abuse her power over jewels. Stop trying to create ridiculous possibilities.

Frank Zhang is not a coward.

Sure, he was, but not until the extent of changing into an animal every few enemies.

Nico di Angelo.

The most common mistake is his name.

It's not Nicholas, or Nicols, or Nicole or whatever, it's simply Nico.

di Angelo. What ticks me off is when people capitalized the 'd' in 'di'.

Anyways, whatever fantasy you're living in, Nico will never be muscular or hot- so far he has only been described as angelic, scrawny, pale. I think his height is about Leo's. After all, Nico is just 14.

As far as I know, he doesn't have red eyes. I'm looking at you, one of the Percico writer.

Nico isn't childish; he's more mature than Percy. And, no, he isn't one to talk like a girl watching soap opera. Relax, even though he's gay, he won't act like a total fangirl.

Though that would be adorable- hey, who said that?

I think I've made my point. Anyways, if you could suggest a topic, I would write about it, or you can tell me what ticks you off most in PJO HoO Fanfics.



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