Story Covers

334 18 27

Okay, straight to the point.

Most Fanfics with horrendous covers are ignored.

Even if you have a great plot or a great writing, I would still ignore your crabzilla.

In my opinion, the author should make an effort to at least create an average cover (unfortunately mine sucks, so this applies to myself, too) and NOT simply take a picture of Percico and scribble the title across it using Paint. If it's decent, which it rarely is, it's fine. But said fanfic's cover is horrible. Yes.

Unfortunately enough, the story is quite famous, and the writer is also famous. I read the first chapter, and I almost snorted my guts out.

But I assume when you read my fanfic you left at the first few chapters.

Anyways, sometimes I simply don't understand why Fanfics that sucks are considered nice.

Another type of ugly cover is when the author makes a rough collage with a horrible font for the title.

That won't do, my fellow demigod. Please, you're torturing my seemingly delicate eyes.

The third one is;

When the title doesn't fit in the frame.

OK, I'll stop there. Let's discuss the color of fonts.

Sure, if it fits, go for red, or orange or whatever, but if you use a fricking neon?

You crossed the fine line between eye catching and disgustingly puke worthy.

I've seen a couple covers using PiZap, but the fonts are all ridiculous and neon. They're not so pretty, so I prefer Pixlr Autodesk or Picmonkey.

So, share with me what app you use to make your lovely covers.

Don't get offended if you happened to like the said fanfic.

Genuine greetings from WeMetAtSix.

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