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Well, hello guys! I do apologize if it took me a long time AGAIN to update this thread. I've been busy and the second semester is getting crazier day by day. But! I have a good news for everyone. Are you wondering why "FROM THE START!" is the title of this chapter? If you are, it's because i'm starting all over again.  That's right. ALL OVER AGAIN. FROM THE VERY START.

I noticed that this thread does have a lot of readers so I want this to be organized. I'm planning to start from scratch and delete the previous posts. I want to make this to start to where it should be started and such. It's hard if I only post words and you'll just memorize it. I want us to learn step by step. :)

I decided on this when, after sooooo long years, I found my very first ENGLISH-KOREAN PRACTICAL CONVERSATION DICTIONARY. (All Romanized). I got this book when I was still in elementary. It was a gift from my father and a very reliable source if you want to study Korean. It was published in 1984 and I don't know if there are copies here in Philippines or other country because my father bought it in Korea.

If you're interested, check the photo --> (It's really old, obviously.)

SO THERE! Let's start?


Changes of certain sound are necessary for the linking word without a pause.

1. When a consonant p, tor l are in the end of the word followed by a vowel, they are pronounced as b, d, g or r respectively.


Papi (which means rice) : PABI

Otomokta (which means beg food): ODOMOKTA

Pyoki (which means wall): PYOGI

Pyolul (which means star): PYORUL

2. If the combinations are -ln-, -mr-, -ngr-, or -nr-, the sound changes as follows:

Hilnan (which means blame) : Hillan

yomrto (which means concern) : Yomnyo

sungri (which means victory) : Sungni

Panran (which means rebellion) : pallan

3. When consonants K, P or T are followed by H, M, N, R or S of the next word, the sound changes as follows:

kukhwa (which means chrysanthemum) :  kuk'wa

kukmin (which means nation) : kungmin

paeknyon (which means a hundred years) : paengnyon

mokryon (which means magnolia) : mongnyon

Let's Speak Korean!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon