Chapter 1

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“Why now of all times?!” Marinette wailed, “I was supposed to be back home an hour ago and now this stupid akuma is getting in the way!”

“Well, at least you’re not missing class again,” Tikki’s squeaky voice said.

“True, but it’s still annoying,” Marinette mumbled, “Not to mention it’s Mr. Pigeon for the twenty-fifth time. When will Hawkmoth stop akumatizing him already?”

The bluenette turned a corner and dipped into an empty alleyway. She spotted her cat-themed crime fighting partner jumping over buildings not too far away from her. She turned back to the red kwami, who had floated out of her hiding spot inside Marinette’s purse.

“I can’t believe I’m really risking getting in trouble for this,” Marinette sighed, “Tikki, spots on.”

Ladybug arrived at the scene with Chat Noir at her side, both of them unamused by this villain that they’ve already fought multiple times in the past. At this point, the citizens were so used to Mr. Pigeon’s akumatization that the news reporters no longer stood around to record the battle.

“No plan this time as usual, M’lady?” Chat Noir asked.

Ladybug nodded, “Let’s just get this done, I’m supposed to be somewhere right now.”

“Same here,” Chat Noir said with a yawn, “Cataclysm.”


Ladybug headed home once our heroes had finished with yet another not-so-exciting battle that not even the citizens were amused by anymore. The superheroine jumped through the trapdoor on her balcony and landed on her bed. She detransformed in a pink flash before climbing down the small ladder. Marinette walked over to her desk and slumped down with a sigh.

“At this point, it sounds like Hawkmoth’s just bored,” Marinette muttered, “I thought he would give up on Mr. Pigeon at this point.”

Marinette eyed the spherical ladybug-patterned box that rested on her desk. One year has passed since the role of the miraculous guardian was passed down to her from Master Fu. Being Ladybug was already enough stress on her part, but now that she has been entrusted with the miracle box, the pressure has never been so heavy before. She wished that Master Fu at least gave her guidance on being a guardian before passing on that role.

Just then, the doorbell rang from downstairs. Marinette’s eyes widened in panic as she jumped out of her chair. She frantically scanned the pink-heavy room with walls covered in pictures of Adrien. Screaming internally, her fingers grabbed at small sections of her hair so tightly she swore she could rip out every strand of hair from her scalp.

“What if it’s Adrien asking for yesterday’s notes again?!” Marinette yelped, “What do I do?!”

“Relax, Marinette,” Tikki said, “Not everyone who visits is Adrien you know. Besides, he was probably in class anyways so you can ask him for the notes instead.”

“But whenever I miss class, it seems like he did, too,” Marinette said, “It’s so weird.”

Marinette’s conversation with her kwami was cut short when her parents called from downstairs.

“Marinette, Bridgette is here!” Sabine said.

Marinette perked up at the sound of her older cousin’s name. She has not seen Bridgette in at least ten years since she lived with her uncle in China. Her parents have informed her earlier that she came to Paris to study abroad. Jumping with excitement, Marinette opened her trapdoor and climbed downstairs to greet this unexpected visitor.

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