Chapter One

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I wanted to post this before Christmas but what with work, presents and Turkey I didn't get round to it. There's still more to be written. The 'Freeze' scene is yet to come but I wanted to get this up before Christmas becomes a distant memory! Hope you enjoy! x

"Ready to go when you are" Holly said bouncing through the front door, excitement racing through her. Danny strolled casually into the small hallway of his flat, his attention on his phone as his fingers tapped out a text message.

Holly looked him up and down, he was wearing a pair of grey jogging bottoms and a black T-shirt. He certainly didn't look ready to go. Holly's face was etched with confusion as Danny stuffed his phone into his pocket.

"I can't go babe." He said reaching for her. Holly hesitated before stepping into his embrace.

"Why?" She said against his chest, her voice small and quiet.

"Something's come up at work." Danny said smoothing Holly's hair down, the lie tumbling easily from his lips.

Holly felt Danny's phone vibrate against her leg. Danny pulled away, his hand going straight into his pocket to pull out his phone.

Holly was stood with her coat on, Danny's car key in hand. A large suitcase full to the brim with presents for her niece and nephew, already in the boot of his car.

"But it's all planned. You said you'd spend Christmas with my family this year." Holly said confused.

"Babe, its work. I can't get out of it" Danny said distractedly texting.

"Can someone else deal with it? You're supposed to be on holiday today. We're supposed to be going to my parents." Holly said desperately.

Danny was starting to get exasperated "I know but I can't."

Holly didn't understand. "Just come with me..." Her voice was soft and pleading.

"I'll come tomorrow."

"But you'll miss the tree! We always put the tree up after breakfast."

Danny's phone beeped again. "Who keeps texting you?" Holly asked becoming infuriated.

"Look, I don't give a toss about the tree!" Danny spat. Holly looked hurt.

Christmas Eve in the Bensham household was a family event, and Holly was hoping Danny would be part of that this year.

When Holly had been younger her father worked night shifts as a security guard but he always got Christmas Eve off so on Christmas Eve morning Holly's father would cook breakfast for the family and they'd put the Christmas tree up together. Holly had a sister three years older than her and each year they would squabble over who's year it was to put the star on top of the tree. Holly's mother had an incredible knack for remembering which one of the girls had topped the tree the previous year and it was always Holly's favourite part, being lifted up by her father so she could reach to put the star on the topmost branch.

Tree up, the family headed to a local town to see the Christmas lights and enjoy a hot chocolate. It was always the perfect start to Christmas, having Dad home.

Holly tugged at the scarf around her neck, it suddenly felt increasingly tight. Danny had been working late a lot recently and Holly, who had previously refused to acknowledge the distance growing between them, now found herself stood on the edge of a canyon, with Danny on the other side, so distant she could barely see him.

Danny glanced out of the window. "You should go before the weather gets worse. I'll come tomorrow." There was a finality in his tone. That was it. End of conversation.

FreezeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ