[04] panic level 1000

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Fitz, Simmons and Elliot were all inside the lab after the previous mayhem. They were all still on edge, but none more than Simmons who was trying to constantly to reason with herself that the device was stable. But the truth was, it wasn't. Everyone could tell that this device was a weapon, that it could blow at any minute. As Simmons lifts the device from the back, Skye shifts away.

"Not that it couldn't explode at any minute, especially if hit with machine gunfire. But, things like this happen from time to time when in the field, and at first, it's very unpleasant, and you regret your decision to leave the lab at all." Simmons rambled, which Elliot could only hear in the background while she and Fitz were arguing with Ward.

"Are you mental?" Fitz yells

"Maybe you've taken too many hits to the head" Elliot adds. Then Ward starts to walk away with Fitz and Elliot still following him, both furious as to the lack of thought.

"I did explain in great detail, exactly what I meant using the Queen's bloody English!" Fitz continues.

"I use normal English. Words like "duck" and "run" and "might blow us to pieces"." Ward retorts, proving Elliot's point that he was simple-minded.

"Oh! Well congratulations, Agent Ward. You managed to string three words together in a sentence," Elliot giggles at Fitz' noticeable annoyance towards Ward, it was kind of cute. While they were still arguing, Fitz enters with a case where he sets it down and takes out the tool. 

Fitz and Ward are still screaming at each other and talking over one another. At this point, Elliot was tired of arguing with Ward. Don't get her wrong, she could go for hours but she didn't think Ward was worth it.

"I'm trying to tell you –" Fitz tried to reason.

"Don't understand anything you're saying!" Ward continues.

While everyone was invested in the argument, nobody had realised that Coulson had entered the room before he made his presence known.

"Do we have a problem?" He attempts to get out.

The group all stop fighting and look at Coulson, all of them ashamed that they were acting like children. Elliot's eyes were darting around the room, trying to avoid eye contact.

"No, sir. Just working on our communication. Not everyone was prepared for a firefight." Ward explains while Elliot stood up taller when he looked at Simmons talking about how not everyone was prepared, ready to have another go at Ward.

"We got out, didn't lose anyone, saved a few of theirs, I'd say we did all right. Anything else," Coulson tried to reason with the group that the mission had been a success. Elliot wasn't buying it, they couldn't be in the same room without looking down at one another

Skye raises her hand like they were in a classroom: 

"Uh, yeah. I have got a small question. Because I've been feeling like the tagalong hayseed rookie, but now I get the sense that Ward doesn't know which ones Simmons and which one's Fitz, and they've seen even less gunfire than me, Elliot, like me, doesn't even know why she's here and I'm no rocket scientist but is this your first mission together??"

Simmons meekly speaks up.

"No, of course not. It's our second," Simmons weakly speaks up.

"I was your first? That's sweet," Skye adds. Well, technically Mike Peterson was but sure, Elliot thought.

"You're amused?" Ward attacked Skye, not being able to not be infuriated by her.

"I'm terrified. I am in way over my head, but I have been on this team just as long as any of you. I might as well be Team Captain," Skye tried to reason.

𝐁𝐔𝐑𝐍𝐓 𝐒𝐊𝐈𝐄𝐒, agents of shieldWhere stories live. Discover now