[01] meet the scooby gang

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Elliot got nervous really easily and when she did, it wasn't hard to tell. Her legs would shake excessively and words would come out of my mouth at the speed of light. And right now, it was a 10 on the nerves scale. Fun, right?

Maria Hill's office was about what she expected, they all kind of looked the same except a few personal touches. When you get called into the office of the Director's right hand, it's scary. What could I have done that was really that bad? None of her research or experiments had gone extremely wrong, lately. Oh no, maybe that's what it's about, she thought.

"Elliot Reddington, twenty-three and a genius, socially and intellectually. IQ of 184, photographic memory. Speaks 4 languages -"

"5, はじめまして." Straight afterwards, Elliot regretted interrupting Maria Hill.

"Well, five languages then. Besides the point, your skills have a very broad range. Which is why I wanted to invite you to join a team," Hill offered and Elliot was confused in the beginning but became increasingly curious.

"A team?" Elliot questioned, exercising her curiosity and trying to get some more details out of the very ominous Maria Hill.

"A small unit, roughly 7, if everyone joins," Hill informed Elliot. Elliot found it strange that there was seven people on the team and she was sure that everyone on the team was as qualified as her.

Then her phone rang and since she was so important to SHIELD, Elliot thought her phone should constantly be ringing. Then there was some muffled noise as she turned around to take the call, classified, she guessed. She only heard a few phrases like "needs to join", "personal and global safety" and "memory relapse." A very strange string of words but not out of the ordinary for S.H.I.E.L.D.

When the call ended, Hill turned back around and told Elliot that she had other business to attend to, that if she wanted to join then to meet at a certain address.

Elliot was unsure as to whether or not when she first offered but when she thought about it, she became almost immediately convinced. What could possibly go wrong? She'd get the chance to meet new people, travel the world and see some crazy stuff.

As Elliot was driving to the classified location, she could not tell whether or not she was nervous or excited, usually she was great with people when there was no strings attached but she'd be working with these people, living with them even. Then her mind ran amok, who else would be joining the team, it cannot just be Coulson and her because that's not even a team, that's a pair.

Once she got to the tarmac, Elliot was astounded as to how large it was before my her gaze fell on the massive "bus" in front of her. She stood looking up in awe at the plane and how it was so much bigger than she had imagined, thinking that she probably looked like an ant beside it.

"Incredible, isn't it?"

As Elliot turned around, she met the first member of the team and instinctively knew her first interaction with him would be important. He looked young but obviously was old enough to be on the team. She also observed that he wasn't brought on the be the muscle.

"Yeah, absolutely"

Elliot looked closer at him this time, he was pretty... just pretty.

"Did you know that airplanes can attract lighting? When a plane passes through clouds, the static created can actually spur the development of lightning." Oh god, she thought. That was the first thing that came to mind and it was about lightning and now he probably thinks I'm a total need. Can I melt now?

𝐁𝐔𝐑𝐍𝐓 𝐒𝐊𝐈𝐄𝐒, agents of shieldWhere stories live. Discover now