15: Found

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 "I hope so. I hope..."

 At the hotel, I took the yearbook and started flipping through pages. I saw hundreds of women and none really jumped out to me. I started losing hope when I saw her.

Brown hair, pale skin, and that same smile I saw in my dream. The photo was there but the name was scratched out.

I didn't know what to do so I took a picture of it and put it in my bag.

The next day we were looking at another dump sight and Emily was really nervous coming here and I realized this was where my vision or dream started.

This was the place my mother told Samuel she was pregnant and then it hit me. I came from a man who had sex with women and leaves them to deal with the baby.

He didn't care he was ruining lives or even cared he had many kids he just did it to keep a legacy going.

We caught the unsub that night and I looked at him in the eye and said, "You won't be able to hurt anyone else ever again. This 'legacy' is over."

He looked at me and laughed and said, "I may be done for but the oldest will continue."

Morgan took him in and Hotch was about to go in and I asked, "I should talk to him because he said the oldest will take over and that is me."

Hotch wouldn't let me do it and I watch the integration go and he kept saying the kids will be reunited again.

Something wasn't right. His emotions were straight and not sympathetic. He was happy we caught him.


Andrew said, "Since you won't continue the legacy then I will."

*End Flashback*

I pulled out my phone and called the FBI office for an update on Andrew Homer and then the hospital for Zach Homer's update too.

Zach past away two nights ago from his gunshot wound and Andrew has been put into solitary confinement.

"Elanna," I said shocked and ran into the integration room and said, "Hotch, I need you."

He leaves and said, "This better be important because you don't just barge into my integration room like that."

"I apologize but what if Elanna isn't as innocent we think she is," I said and Hotch asked, "What do you mean?"

I explained that Elanna was not that upset when we told her about Samuel's actions when he was a teen. I said that it seemed that Elanna knew about it and didn't say anything.

Hotch stopped me and said, "She may have known but that doesn't make her accountable for these murders."

"You're right because she was one of the girls Samuel got pregnant and Samuel forced her to give the baby up for adoption. Because that's what he did to all of the other women. All of them who gave their babies up were later murdered. But it was only the women who lived in Afghanistan," I explained and he said, "Okay, continue you may be on to something."

I said, "She had a child two years before I was born and then the baby mysteriously passed away, but when I was at the house there were no photos of her baby anywhere. Even in the box of photos, she gave me to look at."

Hotch called Morgan to go take Elanna into custody and have her put in the same room as the unsub.

But, when Morgan got there she was gone. I called Garcia if she can track people by email and she said no.

Hotch then said, "There's no point in chasing her down now because we have the unsub in custody."

I fought with him by saying, "But this won't stop because the oldest will take over and continue these murders."

"I know but we have no idea where she is now and we have no way of tracking her so this case for us is over. We will put out missing reports of her and hope we find her," Hotch said angrily.

We made it back to the BAU at a decent time so I go into Penelope's office and said, "I found a photo but the name is scratched out."

"Okay," She said frantically and said, "I'll put it through facial recognition and see if we find a match. The good thing is that she is in the yearbook so I'll use that to narrow down the search."

I asked how long it would take and she said, "About thirty minutes to an hour."

"I think I can wait," I said nervously.

It was the longest thirty minutes to an hour of my life. Every time I checked the clock on my computer screen while doing paperwork the time would only be one minute forward from the last time I checked.

Finally, the clock showed 11:35 PM and it's been a full hour since Penelope started, so I walk in and see her freaked out.

I asked her, "What's wrong?"

She took a deep breath and said, "Umm..."

I look at her and then at the screen and saw it had a match and looked at the name.

I said the name out loud, "Emily Prent-," I stopped and started to cry.

I then said between sobs, "That has to be a mistake."

Penelope shook her head and tried to give me a hug but I pushed away.

"I've worked with her for a year now and never realized she was my mother," I said not believing the words that just came out of my mouth.

Penelope sighed and said, "I called Emily to come here. I didn't tell her yet."

I nodded and tried to catch my breath but still was crying and could not stop.

Penelope explains, "Emily's mom traveled a lot and so she was with her. In 1995 she moved to Afghanistan and stayed there for two years. Emily moved back to the United States on (November 8, 1996)"

"That was about a month after I was born," I said sadly and then said, "She told me she got pregnant at fifteen but I didn't connect the dots. I told her she did it because she wasn't ready, and I understand but..."

The door opened and Emily saw me upset and asked, "Alex what's wrong," and looked at Penelope.

Penelope said, "I believe you are Alex's mother."

I looked at her and her eyes widen in shocked and Penelope pointed at the computer screen and she said, "That's me when I was in high school."

I then said, "You got pregnant at fifteen and gave your baby up for adoption."

She stutters and said, "Yeah but... How do we know for sure?"

I then said, "We can do blood tests."

She agreed and we left to go to the doctor.

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