9: Stories

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"You don't have to trust me or even believe me but you WILL listen."

He sat me down on a chair and pointed the gun at my head. Jimmy was walking around in circles not knowing what to do.

"What do you want with me," I ask?

He slapped me and said, "Shut-up."

Jimmy looked at him with somewhat of fear and said, "You told me we weren't going to hurt her," and pushed him away from me.

Andrew grabbed him by the arm and threw him to the wall and said, "No I said you wouldn't have to hurt her. I will do what I want. Now go before I shoot you."

Jimmy got up and wiped the blood off his nose and said, "I'll be quiet but I want to hear the story."

"Fine but don't interrupt me, you hear," Andrew said and he just nodded and sat on the ground.

Andrew got a chair and sat in front of me and said, "Where should I begin?"

"Let's start from the beginning," Andrew said, "In 1997 you Alexandra Homer was brought to the United States along with Andrew Homer and Zach Homer. Zach was only one month old and I was four years old."

I looked over at Jimmy and then at Andrew and asked, "Who is Zach?"

Andrew looked at Jimmy and then at me and smiled, "Zach is Jimmy," and pointed at Jimmy.

I looked at Zach and said, "Why would you lie?"

Andrew grabbed my chin and moved my head to his eye level and said, "Look at me, not him."

"He lied to you because he needed to lure you back here," Andrew said.

Andrew continued telling his story, "We were adopted by the Montgomery's and at first they were nice but soon they started abusing us and making us commit crimes. Nothing big just shoplifting and pickpocketing."

I didn't know what to say, but he just kept talking, "You were their only daughter so they treated you differently. You were told what to do and what not to do if you broke the rules you would be punished. One day in 2001 we were rescued but we made a promise to the Montgomery's to keep their legacy alive."

'Legacy? He wants to kidnap children and train them to be serial killers,' I thought to myself, 'I won't do it.'

I shouted, "No, I am not helping you guys."

He put his hand up to keep me quiet and said, "I'm not done."

I asked, "What do you mean? Are you guys really my brothers?"

Andrew nodded and said, "We all came from the same father but different mothers. Franklin Homer. He was a weak bastard. He didn't care about us."

I looked over and saw Jim- Zach upset and said, "He's sad, why?"

Zach stood up and said, "You told me dad was an amazing father."

Andrew got right up into his face and said, "Well yeah, I lied. Dad could care less about us."

"How did we get separated," I asked concerned that Andrew was going to hurt Zach.

Andrew sat down and said, "That night we were saved you were the only one at the house because you refused to leave. Our parents kept begging you to leave because they were going to blow up the place and start new again but they couldn't get you to leave and so Zach and I escaped and our parents got arrested and you went to a new home. We started our new lives together and forgot about you until your new team shut us down again."

I looked at him with disbelief and said, "You were kidnapping innocent kids and murdering their parents right in front of them. That's not saving them that's hurting them even more."

He slapped me again and said, "You've been running away from your true calling Alexandra. You have always wanted to kill so you joined to catch the killer to satisfy yourself but once you kill for the first time you won't go back. You are and forever will be part of the serial killer life because that's how you were brought up. You and I both know it."

I shook my head in disbelief, "No, it's not what I am meant to do, and you don't have to do it either."

"Wait we don't," Zach asks?

I shook my head and he looked at Andrew and asked, "Is this true?"

Andrew immediately said, "No she's lying," but I interrupted and said, "I haven't lied to you once trust me."

He looked at me and then at Andrew. Andrew walked up to me and said, "Look Around. Remember your past."

I didn't understand what he meant he kept saying look around and remember but I couldn't.

Then he said, "This is the house we were living in until we were found."

I looked around and realized the walls were similar to my memories and had saw visions of Bob yelling at me.

This was the home. The home I lived in for 5 years. 


"This will all be yours, Alexandra. You will carry on the legacy of our ancestors," Bob said.

I looked at my adoptive father and said, "But I don't want to. Why me?"

He looked at me and got down to my level and said, "You are the oldest and you must follow the rules. Don't let me down," Bob said angrily.

I nodded and saw two boys playing in the corner and I sit with them. I said, "I'm next Andrew."

Andrew gave me a hug and said, "You'll be a great leader."

Bob called for us and we stood in line and he said, "Promise me, that whatever happens to us you three keep this going. It's your job," he said pointing at me, "To lead everyone on the right path. Promise each other that you will stay together no matter what."

Andrew and Zach said,  "I promise," but I remember I just stood there without saying anything. 

Then, Jill, my adoptive mom said, "Bob we need to go Now," and Bob looked at me and said, "Promise me!"

I shook my head and said, "No I don't want it."

He grabbed his gun and shot at the wall and the room echoed with a BANG

"Andrew you don't have to be what our parents wanted us to be. You have a choice to change your life," I said but I kept hearing loud bands.


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